They were filming this TV pilot called Adventures of St. Clair Island in Seattle . It was really kind of low budget. It wasn’t like Hollywood ; they were filming in Seattle and trying to shop around. My brother was into summer stock Seattle ’s children theatre and I was about seven, I think, and they were having auditions. Our elementary school had gotten the 'word' and my brother was going to go. I asked if I could go too and my mom said sure. I went - and ended up getting it over him and two thousand kids, it was ridiculous! That was my first thing and then when I was about twelve I was in Our Town . I was Joe the paperboy and I was fantastic. I was amazing.  I brought the house down with three lines. There are no small roles, only small actors. (he laughs) So that’s how I started, and from there on I knew that was what I wanted to do. There was really no question for me
— Chad Kimball