It was an unforeseen weather event that we believe would've been very difficult to plan for. No one plans to lose 18 generating units on the system in a short time.
Mark Stutz
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At least in the near term we are seeing a sharp decrease in natural gas prices because the weather has been warmer nationwide and storage levels are running 30 percent above the five-year average. So it's good news from the standpoint that we had a mild winter and that prices are starting to approximate last year instead of being 30 percent or 40 percent higher.
— Mark Stutz
It's good news for consumers. This is the fourth straight month the price has been down.
— Mark Stutz
That's a simplistic way of looking at it. When someone spends a lot of money at the game and thinks about their bill, there's a disconnect. What they don't think about are all the things we do to support the community.
— Mark Stutz
But no other state gets hit by the severe weather conditions that Texas does.
— Mark Hanna
Maybe the weather was just so hot it didn't feel like summer was over yet. I don't know.
— Mark Peterson