It was a hidden store, you couldn't see us from the street. If you didn't know about us, you didn't know it was there.
Julia Portera
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We think it is an up-and-coming area. It is a little offbeat and that is what our store is all about. This neighborhood is a perfect fit for us.
— Julia Portera
We would never go to Greenwich Avenue, then we would have to change our concept and price like other stores.
— Julia Portera
This one caught us completely by surprise.
— Julia Parrish
This trip allowed us to do in four days what it probably would have taken us four to six months to do. This was such a big event for them as manufacturers that they had all their top people there. ... Every single one of them that we talked to was excited and interested - and saw there was a reason for them to be involved.
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We're still experimenting. I believe that championships are won with doubles, which is why it's so important for us to get our four best guys out there.
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