It takes an act of Congress to get a film of any size made in Los Angeles,
Jack Green
Los Angeles
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You talk to any businessperson, and they'll tell you they're concerned that there is no affordable housing (in Los Angeles),
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Los Angeles
When you're in Los Angeles, nobody bats an eye, they're so used to seeing actors, they just act really cool.
— Luke Wilson
Los Angeles
We appreciate the offer, but Los Angeles is not under consideration.
— Brian McCarthy
Los Angeles
I got Maxwell just before we moved to Los Angeles,
— Charlayne Woodard
Los Angeles
I've driven by the port of Los Angeles and I can't imagine the whole thing is being watched for nuclear weapons. I'd like to have an IPv6-connected sensor network to every possible point of entry into the country to sense radiation and more complicated sensors for biological and chemical weapons.
— Alex Lightman
Los Angeles