Instead of living on a 130 acre farm making millions, he'll be living in an 8 by 8 cell making license plates.
Gary Gambardella
Crime And Punishment
Criminal Law
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They traded their houses for the big house.
— Gary Gambardella
Crime And Punishment
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"That's one lock he won't be able to pick for ten years." (referring to a lock-picking house burglar who received ten to 20 years in prison, as reported in Reader's Digest, February 1996.)
— Gary Gambardella
Crime And Punishment
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It was a great sentence. He will die in prison.
— Gary Gambardella
Crime And Punishment
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His parole officer hasn't been born yet.
— Gary Gambardella
Crime And Punishment
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The wrong decision in this case could be a fatal one.
— Gary Gambardella
Crime And Punishment
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