Inculcate virtue of integrity. Integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character.One with integrity has personal level of honesty, moral commitments, and willingness to do what's right.
Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
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Integrity is having strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide. When you have integrity, you are adherent to right cause and doing the same as what you say. It makes you following your moral convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances. Integrity is virtue of a courageous person.To stick on right,demands a lot of courage & determination & in process may be subjected to hardship but refuses to be compromised.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. Integrity is ability to act in accordance with moral & social value and consistent in action with knowledge of right & wrong.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Integrity is adherence to moral ethics, being honest to self, to stand for right things, to value the principle of truthfulness & justice, & to be transparent.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Having integrity in life makes you to act with justice.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Integrity is your thoughts & action based on your values rather than your personal gain.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha