In Russia, every you go, you carry passport. If you don't have passport, they arrest you. We live in Russia under Communist system. We live in Germany under Nazi system. We never lived in a Democratic system.
Alexander Bunegin
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They fly away, like birds.
— Alexander Bunegin
I'm skin and bone when they see me. I'm tall and skinny. The first thing the wife said to her husband was, 'feed him.' They kept me for almost two weeks. I asked them where they got the clothes they gave me. They said their teenage son was arrested and they hadn't seen him anymore. They gave me his clothes.
— Alexander Bunegin
It was terrible. Our job was to cut trees. Old women and children, everybody worked.
— Alexander Bunegin
We have a job. We have money like everyone else. As soon as possible, we get citizenship.
— Alexander Bunegin
He helped my baby. For this, I said, he should live. And he did.
— Alexander Bunegin