In day to day life, there are many problems to solve, there are many lessons to learn, there are many obstacles to be resolved but the most important is to take all situations in stride & to enjoy all the experiences through which one goes.
Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
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experience is the best teacher. Learn from every event that happens in your life. Whether it be good or bad, these experiences will make you stronger and wiser.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Learning from experience is never ending process.One must cultivate this virtue & enjoy thrill of all possible good or bad, bitter or sweet, dark or light moments & find more mature you become.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Mistaken if taken positively it culminates in experience. Experience if taken in positive frame of mind,it develops wisdom,skill & makes rich in intellect values.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Excellence is ever changing dynamism in our personal journey of growth and maturity. Excellence is ever growing personal and collective best.Excellence demands hard work ,determination and ways of focusing which makes continually getting better & better.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha
Do not be sad about the bad experiences in your life.Pain is part of learning and growing. No pain no gain, right? Every experience you have been through has taught you a lesson. You just have to realize what it is.Experience is the best teacher. Learn from every event that happens in your life. Whether it be good or bad, these experiences will make you stronger and wiser.
— Dr Anil Kumar Sinha