I'm standing there on a slab where their home used to be, and it's nothing but splinters, and they're asking me if I can use water or something to eat,
Jose Gomez
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Our team goal is much bigger than one game. We're a big-picture team. We want to bring home the section crown. This was great for our young group of kids, the experience factor against a quality, veteran team.
— Jay Gomez
It was a totally technical rebound after the decline of Thursday. The stocks that stood out were blue-chips that were battered previously, especially the service and telecommunications sector.
— Jose Gomez
Their linebackers did a good job of blocking the middle, so we had the option to kick it out,
— Jose Gomez
This is what we have been working for, ... It was a tough team victory.
— Jose Gomez
We agreed to give her $10 (each) just to try to help her out and get her back on her feet,
— Jose Gomez