I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't hurt, ... It's like deja vu all over again. It's fine. I'll take the same approach as last year. All I can do is prepare for battle. When game time comes I'll play above and beyond.
Donald Allen
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deja vu all over again.
— Donald Allen
We recruited some really good talent, so it's just a matter of those guys coming in, learning the system and playing up to their capabilities. We'll need all of those guys ready to go.
— Donald Allen
As far and Matt and I are concerned ... all I can do is compete against myself. If I eliminate mistakes on my end and just concentrate on doing the best that I can do, I think I have a good shot to lead the team like I did last year.
— Donald Allen
We're here to endorse the plan of Kevin Helfer. We've read the plan, we like the plan and that's why we're here.
— Donald Allen
It's sad because it came back to haunt me this year, ... I came back from a wrist injury and a shoulder injury, so it's hard.
— Donald Allen