I'll have to borrow the money and rent it often enough to pay the payments so that, 20 years from now, when I retire, I've paid it off and got a little place where I can go to the beach in the wintertime,
Glenn Richardson
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I'm not real optimistic there's going to be a lot of new money from the state.
— Don Richardson
I wish that what we did was provide an incentive to get here and do something more creative than money for gas. I'm sure it's unintended that they didn't necessarily think about how it fits into the city's goals of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
— Dan Richardson
The fact that anyone is welcome to come here, taking out the factor of money, drops barriers. You can come in and be comfortable and hang out.
— Eric Richardson
I've never know him to be anything other than a gentleman and a scholar.
— Glenn Richardson
[In July, when Richardson's duties as speaker required him to make several public appearances on St. Simons, he met with Moore and County Commission Chairman Cap Fendig to discuss his plans. Moore said it was a] friendly visit ... let us know his interests were different than ours.
— Glenn Richardson