If your parents happens to be wealthy & famous before they passed away,you don't need to inherit their wealth to remain wealthy in life,but you only need to use the good name you inherited from them to open doors of success for you.
david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Good Name
Related Quotes
Let us endeavor to have a good name,for in so doing we are sowing good seeds,that will one day be harvested by the future generation that will emanate from our loins.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
A Good Name
Diamond & platinum are the obstacles that always stand in the way of a good name.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
A Good Name
A good name is a more bankable & valuable inheritance than diamond & platinum.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
A Good Name
A good name will open doors that diamond & platinum dare not.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
A Good Name
If given an opportunity to head an establishment,resite this "A good name will last better for my family & I,than any ill gotten wealth I can ever acquire in this establishment.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
A Good Name