If you saw a Category 4 hurricane come in here, you could see hundreds of thousands of structures damaged or destroyed. It would be devastating. It reiterates the need for us to be prepared.
Carl Fowler
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The state ... said those resources would be here at noon. That did not happen. They began arriving late this afternoon. ... We're not quite sure why. We would like to know why they were late.
— Carl Fowler
Generally you don't want to make decisions too early with these storms.
— Carl Fowler
At this point, residents should have plenty of time to get their hurricane supplies together, if they haven't already.
— Carl Fowler
News is history shot on the wing. The huntsmen from the Fourth Estate seek to bag only the peacock or the eagle of the swifting day. - Skyline, 1961.
— Gene Fowler
During this transition period, we will continue to work closely with (Bayer) to enhance the viability and safe operations of our facilities in South Charleston.
— Alan Fowler