If you don't have to do it, and it isn't fun, then why are you doing it? It's like sometimes people forget their choices. They fail to see themselves. They get so riled up over something that they are supposedly doing for entertainment or pleasure that it's causing them great discontent and stress. Sometimes, when confronted they attest that they enjoy it, but it is clear this is untrue. If something unbalances you, brings you into unrest and anxiety this will affect your well being. Stress has a negative impact on our health. Do things because you either must or because you want to. If you can combine those two, that's the best scenario. Stay away from that which you abhor. It doesn't matter if there is a societal expectation, or it's a cultural norm. If people can't respect your individuality, then they don't respect you. Be innovative and creative in finding your own path and your own answers. Always listen to your heart. If your heart screams no: listen. Don't betray your heart. Be true to who you are. In other words: be yourself. Celebrate yourself. Do more of the things you love. Seize the day!

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