If you are unsure about something or someone, just wait. Patiently wait and see. Don't commit yourself to a point of jeopardy. Don't take an unnecessary risk. Only assume risk that you are prepared to lose. Don't place expectations and don't attach to outcome. Just go with the flow. Ride it out a bit. I am a firm believer that time speaks all truths. In time, the truth of any matter is always revealed. If you trust yourself and trust yourself in something then you will always come out the other end OK. We have to be self-aware as to what our triggers are. Where are we vulnerable. We have to work with all facets of our personalities. It is then, when we can trust ourselves in any and all situations. Yes, we will still make mistakes. But we will not make as many unnecessary mistakes. I see a lot of people who are very volatile because they shy away from their perceived weaknesses and vulnerabilities. I can't stress enough how important it is to face yourself head on. Work with whoever and however you are. It will give you great great strength. Then you can rejoice at any good outcome and you can dust yourself off from any bad outcome. Remember, you have survived thus far. You're a fighter, a warrior. You're so strong! Always believe in yourself!

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