If you are going to have a fire, they have to be attended to and completely out when you leave. The only way to be sure is to stick your fingers in the ashes when you are done.
Brad Kildow
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Fire season is here. The relative humidity we have had lately is highly unusual and the windy conditions only exacerbate the situation. We anticipate conditions to be like this for a while. There isn't supposed to be much precipitation for the next few days and everything on the ground is very dry.
— Brad Kildow
It was extremely cold and the wind blew right across the river at the poor folks. When people get too cold, they pick up their gear and leave their fire.
— Brad Kildow
We are in a transition period right now. There is still some snow on the ground, but some areas have been completely melted for a while. Even though it has been chilly, a fire can spread because of the lack of moisture.
— Brad Kildow
In an interface fire, like the Los Alamos fire, you have multiple agencies involved and a lot of variables. REMSAT (Real Time Emergency Management Via Satellite) uses satellite communication technology to concentrate these variables.
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Gross in physique, gargantuan in gourmandise, oceanic in liquid capacity, prodigal of purse, a fire hose of libido and a Niagara of comic invention, the man was excess personified and one of the great entertainers of the age.
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