If we would have had the 262 at our disposal - even with all the delays - if we could have had in '44, ah, let's say three hundred operational, that day we could have stopped the American daytime bombing offensive, that's for sure.
Adolf Galland
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It's unbelievable what one squadron of twelve aircraft did to tip the balance.
— Adolf Galland
In the last months we got pilots who had fifty hours total flying time, including five hours of the operational aircraft. It's not very much.
— Adolf Galland
I would like to mention that I have flown the 262 first in May '43. At this time, the aircraft was completely secret. I first knew of the existence of this aircraft only early in '42 - even in my position. This aircraft didn't have any priority in design or production.
— Adolf Galland
I made a written report which is still today in existence. I have a photocopy of it, and I am saying that in production this aircraft could perhaps substitute for three propeller- driven aircraft of the best existing type. This was my impression.
— Adolf Galland
I had to inspect all fighter units in Russia, Africa, Sicily, France, and Norway. I had to be everywhere.
— Adolf Galland