If we can't make any mistakes in front of anyone, how can anyone make any mistakes in front of us? If we only show what is right and 'perfect' in our lives, how can anyone show us any different? What kind of message are we sending by how we live and interact with others? Are we full human beings or only half? Yes, granted no one likes someone who complains all the time. But we should not be hiding in deep shame of our struggles, our insecurities or our fears. Instead, by sharing more of ourselves, we can show others that we are frail, fallible human beings too. We create a bridge between ourselves and others. No one is alone in their human condition. We can relate to each other, support each other, heal and grow together. It's time to stop setting these unrealistic faux expectations of perfection. Perfect beauty, perfect health, perfect personality, etc. No one is, or can be perfect! It's what makes us human. The only perfection that does exist is in our 'humanness, in our authenticity. Setting and pretending to keep these artificial perfect standards serves to alienate everyone from each other. Such measures further propagate insecurity, fear, and self-doubt. It's time to end the cycle. Be a real person. Keep it real. Don't be ashamed to be as you are. You can be kind, loving, compassionate and forgiving and not be perfect! It is OK!

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