Ich liebe die hektischen, schlanken Narzissen mit blutrotem Mund.
Felix Dörmann
Seit ich die Menschen kenne, liebe ich die Tiere.
NICOLAS BARREAU Rätselhafterweise ist Schriftsteller trotzdem der schönste Beruf der Welt. Mehr als das. Schriftst...
JULI ZEH Auch ist es vielleicht nicht eigentlich Liebe wenn ich sage, daß Du mir das Liebste bist; Liebe ist...
FRANZ KAFKA [W]enn ihr nicht mit Liebe, sondern nur mit Widerwillen arbeiten könnt, lasst besser eure Arbeit [....
KAHLIL GIBRAN Es ist übrigens ganz leicht, alles kaputt zu machen, wenn man sich mit jemandem wohl fühlt. Man br...
FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Ich liebe die großen Verachtenden, weil sie die großen Verehrenden sind und Pfeile der Sehnsucht n...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi...
STEPHENIE MEYER Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie vi...
STEPHENIE MEYER Während ich mir mit Fernsehen und Radio die Illusion von Gesellschaft ins Verlies holte, konnte ich...
NATASCHA KAMPUSCH Und wenn ich morgens auf meinem aus dem georgischen Dorf Besch-taschen stammenden Gebetsteppich knie...
JOSEF WINKLER Ich bin gern erlöst von meinem Spiegelbild, von der Frage, wie ich aussehe. Auch ohne Spiegel weiß...
PAULINE DEBOK Die reinste Lustigkeit ist die Liebe, Gott ist die Liebe, Gott ist die reinste Lustigkeit.
HEINRICH HEINE Viele Menschen sind gut genug erzogen, um nicht mit vollem Mund zu sprechen, aber sie haben keine Be...
Das verschlug mir für einen Moment die Sprache, ich hatte nicht gedacht, dass es so schlim...
MARTINA RIEMER Auf dem allerersten Foto, das von mir geschossen wurde, liege ich auf der Säuglingsstation, eingewi...
RAZIEL REID Ich wollte meine Augen öffnen, um Gideon ein letztes Mal anzusehen, aber ich schaffte es nicht.
KERSTIN GIER Natürlich mochte ich die, die nicht ich waren, nur selten.
SIBYLLE BERG Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
MARTIN NIEMöLLER Bedaure nicht die Toten, Harry. Bedaure die Lebenden, und vor allem diejenigen, die ohne Liebe leben...
J.K. ROWLING Schließlich sagte ich leise: "Wie kommt's, dass du so weise bist, Effie?"
"Ich habe es siebenu...
SAMANTHA YOUNG In Wirklichkeit war ich schon wach, aber ich hielt noch die Augen zu, um die Traaumgestalten noch l�...
ADELBERT VON CHAMISSO Ich bilde schon lange keine Meinungen mehr. Ich sage Dinge, weil sie besser klingen als andere, die ...
JULI ZEH Es war so, als würde ich ausatmen, nachdem ich viel zu lange die Luft angehalten hatte.
AMY EWING Ich bin einfach sterblich, wie andere Leute erkältet sind. In jeder Sekunde spüre ich die Symptome...
JULI ZEH Aber eins weiß ich mit Sicherheit: Dass wir das Leben führen, für das wir uns entscheiden. Dass w...
LILLY LINDNER Ich bin enttäuscht ... Ich Ich hätte möglicherweise drei weitere Staffeln gemacht. Ich hätte wah...
DOMINIC KEATING Ich bin enttäuscht ... Ich Ich hätte möglicherweise drei weitere Staffeln gemacht. Ich hätte wah...
DOMINIC KEATING Ich las damals unendlich viel und zwar gründlich. In wenigen Jahren schuf ich mir damit die Grundla...
Es ist Unsinn
sagt die Vernunft
Es ist was es ist
sagt die Lieb...
ERICH FRIED Ich habe die komplexen Probleme einer Single-Existenz gegen die Probleme zweier Personen getauscht. ...
CATHRIN SUMFLETH I make presents to the mother, but think of the daughter.
[Ger., Der Mutter schenk' ich,
Die T...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Aber manchmal sind die ganz großen Momente eben auch die stillen, die man nur mit sich alleine ausm...
ADRIANA POPESCU Wie einer, der auf fremden Meeren fuhr,
so bin ich bei den ewig Einheimischen;
die vollen ...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Ich stehe vor dem uralten Dilemma, entweder die eigenen Eltern oder die eigene Gottheit verraten zu ...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Wahnsinn ist, wenn man nicht mehr die Nähte sehen kann, mit denen die Welt zusammengenäht ist.
RICHARD BACHMAN Aus Lügen, die wir glauben, werden Wahrheiten, mit denen wir leben.
OLIVER HASSENCAMP Den Blick in die Welt kann man mit einer Zeitung versperren.
STANISłAW JERZY LEC War ich kindisch? Verdammt, ja.
War ich wütend? Und wie.
Hatte er das ver...
MARTINA RIEMER Ich habe immer gedacht, dass ich die seltsamste Person auf dieser Welt bin, aber später dachte ich,...
FRIDA KAHLO Selig sind die Vergesslichen: denn sie werden auch mit ihren Dummheiten fertig.
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Beschwipst, betrunken ... ein Gentleman würde die Situation jedenfalls nicht ausnutzen."
"Du h...
SAMANTHA YOUNG Aber die Liebe lässt einen genauer und immer genauer hinsehen. Man bemerkt den Handrücken, eine Dr...
ALLY CONDIE »Du hast Heiden vernichtet? Ich dachte, die Erdgeister seien wohlgesinnt.«
»Jeder hat mal Au...
CHRISTOPHER MOORE Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,
Juristerei und Medizin,
Und leider auch Theologie
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Alicia bedachte ihn mit einem dieser Lächeln, die Türen öffneten und Vorsätze zum Schmelzen brac...
CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN Wir Juden haben die Völker mit einem ewigen Gott belastet, und darum hassen sie uns.
ISAAC BASHEVIS SINGER Aber eigentlich müsste ich inzwischen genug über Verluste wissen, um zu begreifen, dass man nie wi...
ALYSON NOEL Ich selbst spiele nie Billard, [...],aber ich weiß, dass man den Ball hoch oder tief, rechts oder l...
ROBERT MUSIL This is the spot where I am mortal.
[Ger., Hier ist die Stelle wo ich sterblich bin.]
JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER Erlaube," fuhr Meister Abraham fort, "erlaube, mein Johannes, mit dem Just magst du mich kaum vergle...
E.T.A. HOFFMANN Ich bin jemand, der ich nicht bin
ich gehe, aber ich weiß nicht, wohin
ich fühle, aber i...
EUGEN RUGE Liebe ist schwer. Liebhaben von Mensch zu Mensch: das ist vielleicht das Schwerste, was uns aufgegeb...
RAINER MARIA RILKE Alle meine gestohlenen Bücher tuschelten nachts miteinander, erzählten die Geschichten ihrer Entf�...
CORDULA SIMON Ich werde nicht alles erreichen, was ich will, aber ich werde alles probieren, was ich kann.
BENJAMIN LEBERT Während die erste Tasse Tee mir die Lippen und Kehle befeuchtet,
die zweite meine Trauer vertr...
LU TONG Kennst du das Land, wo die Zitronen blüh'n,
Im dunkeln Laub die Goldorangen glüh'n,
Ein ...
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Das wahre Wunder, das ist nicht das Leben. Das Leben gibt es überall, es wimmelt nur so davon. Das ...
GILLES LEGARDINIER Das Ufer des Flusses und der vielen glitzernden Bächlein, die ihm auf allerlei Umwegen zuströmten,...
EDGAR ALLAN POE Am Ende, schloss ich, glauben die Menschen an ein Leben nach dem Tod, weil sie das Gegenteil nicht e...
JOHN GREEN Ich werde stehen und warten.
Ich werde müde werden.
Ich werde nicht einschlafen.
HERMANN HESSE The worst of me is known, and I can say that I am better than the
reputation I bear.
[Ger., Das A...
JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER Aber jede noch so kleine Verbesserung meines Zustandes entfernte mich weiter von George, und in Wahr...
KATE MOSSE Wenn du mich küsst, Gwendolyn Shepherd, dann ist das so, als würde ich den Kontakt zum Boden verli...
KERSTIN GIER Ganz unabhängig davon, daß wir uns schon lange nicht mehr geküsst und auch keinen Sex mehr mitein...
BANANA YOSHIMOTO Worte sind die blassen Schatten vergessener Namen. Und wie Namen Macht innewohnt, wohnt auch Worten ...
PATRICK ROTHFUSS Man muss die Originalität des eigenen Lebens infrage stellen wenn es sich mit den Zeilen eines Rock...
JONATHAN TROPPER [...] dass es völlig hirnrissig ist, etwas für andere Menschen zu tun, weil man selbst ein Mensch ...
JULI ZEH My heart I fain would ask thee
What then is Love? say on.
"Two souls and one thought only
E.F.J. VON MUNCH BELLINGHAUSEN ("FRIEDRICH HALM") Ich würde niemandem raten die Luft anzuhalten ... Abgesehen von der Filmfrage, denke...
RENE AUBERJONOIS Die Tatsache, dass wahre Schönheit mit Selbstvergessenheit zu tun hatte, passte zum seltsamen Humor...
JULI ZEH Er macht mir Angst", gestand ich ihr.
Sie gab ein Prustton von sich. "Bei mir ist er die Liebe...
SAMANTHA YOUNG Du kannst ihn nicht mehr enttäuschen, er ist nicht mehr da.“
Riley knallte sein Glas auf die...
JAYDEN V. REEVES Sind sie vorbestraft? Du lieber Himmel ich wußte gar nicht, dass das immer noch nötig ist." Britis...
ERIC IDLE Felix,” he whispered. “Oh, little man. Oh, Felix. That fire… the fire is
T.J. KLUNE Was man über Angst erreichte, das wurde stets auch mit Angst bezahlt. Die Mächtigen fielen irgendw...
DAVID GRAY Einer hat immer Unrecht: aber mit zweien beginnt die Wahrheit. Einer kann sich nicht beweisen: aber ...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE A serca - tak ich mało, a usta - tyle ich.
KRZYSZTOF KAMIL BACZYńSKI Da kam noch einmal – ein einziges Mal – durch das Schweigen der Nacht das süße Seufzen wieder ...
EDGAR ALLAN POE Ich habe in diesen Tagen viel über Liebe nachgedacht, und darüber, wie ich das Wort hasste und es ...
JOHN UPDIKE Verliebtheiten werden maßlos überschätzt. Verliebtheiten bestehen zu fünfundvierzig Prozent aus ...
PETER HøEG Rast ich, so rost ich. (When I rest, I rust.).
GERMAN PROVERB I despise mankind in all its strata; I foresee that our
descendants will be still far unhappier tha...
FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT Wir haben Ärzte, Rechtsanwälte und extrem belesene Leute, die einige der größten Fans der Serie ...
CHASE MASTERSON Was ich weiß, kann jeder wissen. Mein Herz hab' ich allein.
JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Ein Optimist ist ein Mensch, der ein Dutzend Austern bestellt, in der Hoffnung, sie mit der Perle, d...
THEODOR FONTANE Der Autor muß eine Fülle von Varitionen über das ausgewählte Thema bieten, die Entscheidungsmög...
CARLOS FUENTES With every fragment of rock that fall from me, I can hear the voice of Marianne Engle. I love you. A...
ANDREW DAVIDSON Ich habe noch nie so lebendige Kinder gesehen (...) . Sie haben weniger als die meisten Kinder in me...
JOHN STRELECKY Ich möchte wissen", sagte er vor sich hin, "was eigentlich in einem Buch los ist, solang es zu ist....
MICHAEL ENDE . Aber sie tatens. ER überlebte länger, aber beide hielten sich lange. Zwei der neuen SF Serien we...
STAR TREK Truhe hatte eine ganz einfache Strategie, um mit Dingen fertig zu werden, die sich zwischen ihr und ...
TERRY PRATCHETT Die Gesamtheit dieser Produktionsverhältnisse bildet die ökonomische Struktur der Gesellschaft, di...
KARL MARX Ich bin zu unerfahren, um Erfahrungen zu sammeln«, fasse ich mein Dilemma zusammen.
ISABEL SHTAR They call me Fearless Felix.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER Der Politik trauen wir nicht von hier bis zur nächsten Türklinke, aber sie soll bitte schön für ...
PEER STEINBRüCK Ich bin kein Kind, ich bin nicht niedlich; warum soll man so jemanden streicheln?
What you do
When it counts"
- The Masao
JOHN STEAKLEY I'm sorry about these two," Mike told the waitress. "Just so you know, I'll be embarrassed with you....
SHANNON HALE The Arellano Felix organization is now in ruins,
KAREN TANDY Wann immer ich vom Leben den Status quo erwarte, taucht etwas ganz unerwartetes auf. Die Weltgeschic...
More Felix Dörmann
Discourse has ended in America. It's all just shouting and ranting and demonization. Do you know...
FELIX DENNIS As a member of this court I am not justified in writing my private notions of policy into the Consti...
FELIX FRANKFURTER There is never a time in a company's history when cost control can be relegated to the back burn...
FELIX DENNIS The whole market mechanism and its evolution is something that, I'm kind of of the Buffett Schoo...
FELIX ROHATYN Throughout U.S. history, competent public investments have been an essential complement to private i...
FELIX ROHATYN In the 1970s, New York City avoided bankruptcy because wise political leaders like Gov. Hugh L. Care...
FELIX ROHATYN The early years of my life were very, very traumatic. It was scary, because any child knew that deat...
FELIX ROHATYN I am a capitalist and I believe in making a profit.
FELIX ROHATYN Investment banking is not a business; it is a personal service where bankers work hand in hand with ...
FELIX ROHATYN At its core, banking is not simply about profit, but about personal relationships.
FELIX ROHATYN Though everything else may appear shallow and repulsive, even the smallest task in music is so absor...
FELIX MENDELSSOHN The developing science departs at the same time more and more from its original scope and purpose an...
FELIX KLEIN Thus, in a sense, mathematics has been most advanced by those who distinguished themselves by intuit...
FELIX KLEIN Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied enough mathematics to become confused through t...
FELIX KLEIN In '05, '06, '07 and '08, I wasn't throwing any changeups at all. Maybe two or t...
FELIX HERNANDEZ I'm going to say this - to the people in Seattle, to all the people in Seattle that trust me, th...
FELIX HERNANDEZ Every year, you have to keep adjusting. I'm 28; I'm not 19 anymore. You have to work harder ...
FELIX HERNANDEZ When you work somewhere and you feel comfortable, you don't want to leave. You want to stay ther...
FELIX HERNANDEZ I can't say anything I don't love about Seattle.
FELIX HERNANDEZ It must take account of what it decrees for today in order that today may not paralyze tomorrow.
FELIX FRANKFURTER The mark of a truly civilized man is confidence in the strength and security derived from the inquir...
FELIX FRANKFURTER It simply is not true that war never settles anything.
FELIX FRANKFURTER The ultimate touchstone of constitutionality is the Constitution itself and not what we have said ab...
FELIX FRANKFURTER I came into the world a Jew, and although I did not live my life entirely as a Jew, I think it is fi...
FELIX FRANKFURTER Anybody can decide a question if only a single principle is in controversy.
FELIX FRANKFURTER I don't like a man to be too efficient. He's likely to be not human enough.
FELIX FRANKFURTER It is a fair summary of history to say that the safeguards of liberty have been forged in controvers...
FELIX FRANKFURTER Litigation is the pursuit of practical ends, not a game of chess.
FELIX FRANKFURTER The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards.
FELIX FRANKFURTER The mode by which the inevitable is reached is effort.
FELIX FRANKFURTER The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
FELIX FRANKFURTER Freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of achieving a free society.
FELIX FRANKFURTER I aspire only to silence.
FELIX FENEON If Monsieur X spent an eternity studying treatises on optics, he would never paint 'La Grande Ja...
FELIX FENEON 'Great Expectations' has been described as 'Dickens's harshest indictment of society...
FELIX DENNIS The vast majority of free verse is ghastly. Utterly ghastly. No one reads it. No one listens to it.
FELIX DENNIS I thoroughly object to getting old. If you could let me be 16 again, I'd give you everything I...
FELIX DENNIS You cannot be seeking yourself when you're making money.
FELIX DENNIS There are as many forms of happiness as sorrow, though most prove fleeting.
FELIX DENNIS The age of celebrity editors and monstrous staffing are over.
FELIX DENNIS You shouldn't go around the world behaving ruthlessly when you don't have to. Sometimes you ...
FELIX DENNIS I am a born-again atheist, so there isn't going to be a funeral. I will be buried in a linen wra...
FELIX DENNIS Overhead will eat you alive if not constantly viewed as a parasite to be exterminated. Never mind th...
FELIX DENNIS The planet doesn't require saving, and actually hasn't asked Greenpeace to save it.
FELIX DENNIS There are far too many people in university in Britain. If you want to make money, be a plumber.
FELIX DENNIS Making money is certainly the one addiction I cannot shake.
FELIX DENNIS America is an empire. I hope you know that now. All empires, by definition, are bumbling, shambolic,...
FELIX DENNIS Nobody could like Donald Trump, surely, except his mother. No one really likes The Donald. But how c...
FELIX DENNIS Good ideas are like Nike sports shoes. They may facilitate success for an athlete who possesses them...
FELIX DENNIS I think having a great idea is vastly overrated. I know it sounds kind of crazy and counterintuitive...
FELIX DENNIS It's a long, slow sunset for ink-on-paper magazines, but sunsets can produce vast sums of money.
FELIX DENNIS You have to persuade yourself that you absolutely don't care what happens. If you don't care...
FELIX DENNIS But these realities will make themselves felt soon enough and while I am certainly not asking you to...
FELIX BLOCH It is inevitable that many ideas of the young mind will later have to give way to the hard realities...
FELIX BLOCH In talking to you I feel very much more at ease than my colleagues who gave the speeches during the ...
FELIX BLOCH It seems that this situation is not restricted to science but is more generally human.
FELIX BLOCH I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in ...
FELIX BLOCH Instead of explaining the sober facts of mechanics and electricity, I want to say a few words about ...
FELIX BLOCH Free imagination is the inestimable prerogative of youth and it must be cherished and guarded as a t...
FELIX BLOCH Thanking you once more, I want to wish you the best of luck for your future life and to conclude by ...
FELIX BLOCH Normally, when I skydive, even in winter, I wear very thin gloves. I want to be flexible, with fast ...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I've done a lot of things in a business where you're lucky to stay alive, so when the time c...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I always had the dream of flying, and the cheapest way is to become a skydiver.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER People should decide 'are you willing to spend all this money to go to Mars?' I think the av...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I can't bear the thought of my mother having to push me around in a wheelchair. I'd rather d...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I have a lot of fears that normal people have.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I like to challenge myself.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER To jump and break the sound barrier will not be a mere record breaking experience or another extreme...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER At a certain R.P.M., there's only one way for blood to leave your body, and that's through y...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I base jumped off the Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER They call me Fearless Felix.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER If I do something, it's always 90% obvious and 10% unknown.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER Well, to me, my past accomplishments weren't crazy. They required a lot of skill and careful pla...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER Let me tell you - when I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble. You don't...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I want to find a nice decent job as a helicopter pilot.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER People are fascinated about the world above them because it seems so out-of-reach.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER If the Wright brothers hadn't put their lives on the line, we would not be flying around the wor...
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I always feel the danger because you might always be subject to an unexpected or emergency event.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I feel comfortable with what I do and I guess that my girlfriend feels the same.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER Heroes don't wear diapers. It's just not cool.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER As a little kid, I climbed a lot of trees because I always loved the bird's-eye view.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I'm 100 percent sure I'm becoming a really good helicopter pilot.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I started skydiving because I loved the idea of freedom.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I'm retired from the daredevil business.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER FOR a long time the conviction has been dimly felt in the community that, without prejudice to exist...
FELIX ADLER No one can fail to see that the power of the Church among large numbers in many communities is today...
FELIX ADLER The Ethical Society, therefore, is like a Church in maintaining, and emphasizing the importance of m...
FELIX ADLER Love of country is like love of woman - he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest goo...
FELIX ADLER Admitting the force of these contentions, nevertheless, the custom of meeting together in public ass...
FELIX ADLER If you desire information on some point of law, you are not likely to ponder over the ponderous tome...
FELIX ADLER The ethical manifold, conceived of as unified, furnishes, or rather is, the ideal of the whole.
FELIX ADLER The platform of an Ethical Society is itself the altar; the address must be the fire that burns ther...
FELIX ADLER No religion can long continue to maintain its purity when the church becomes the subservient vassal ...
FELIX ADLER For more than three thousand years men have quarreled concerning the formulas of their faith.
FELIX ADLER In a country of such recent civilization as ours, whose almost limitless treasures of material wealt...
FELIX ADLER The exercises of our meeting are to be simple and devoid of all ceremonial and formalism.
FELIX ADLER We measure our enjoyments by the sum expended.
FELIX ADLER Few are there that will leave the secure seclusion of the scholar's life, the peaceful walks of ...
FELIX ADLER Ethical religion can be real only to those who are engaged in ceaseless efforts at moral improvement...
FELIX ADLER Where the roots of private virtue are diseased, the fruit of public probity cannot but be corrupt.
FELIX ADLER The freedom of thought is a sacred right of every individual man, and diversity will continue to inc...
FELIX ADLER Simplicity should not be identified with bareness.
FELIX ADLER An anxious unrest, a fierce craving desire for gain has taken possession of the commercial world, an...
FELIX ADLER The office of the public teacher is an unenviable and thankless one.
FELIX ADLER The family is the school of duties - founded on love.
FELIX ADLER All unbelievers in Jesus Christ is a House Divided Against Itself; it cannot stand against Jesus Chr...
FELIX WANTANG It would be better not to know so many things than to know so many things that are not so.
FELIX OKOYE Love of country is like love of woman - he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest goo...
FELIX ADLER The unique personality which is the real life in me, I can not gain unless I search for the real lif...
FELIX ADLER No religion can long continue to maintain its purity when the church becomes the subservient vassal ...
FELIX ADLER The conception of worth, that each person is an end per se, is not a mere abstraction. Our interest ...
FELIX ADLER Every dogma, every philosophic or theological creed, was at its inception a statement in terms of th...
FELIX ADLER Love of country is like love of woman--he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest good...
FELIX ADLER It is a fair summary of history to say that the safeguards of liberty have frequently been forged in...
FELIX FRANKFURTER If one man can be allowed to determine for himself what is law, every man can. That means first chao...
FELIX FRANKFURTER Old age and sickness bring out the essential characteristics of a man.
FELIX FRANKFURTER To some lawyers, all facts are created equal.
FELIX FRANKFURTER Judicial judgment must take deep account of the day before yesterday in order that yesterday may not...
FELIX FRANKFURTER There can be no security where there is fear.
FELIX FRANKFURTER We forget that the most successful statesmen have been professionals. Lincoln was a professional pol...
FELIX FRANKFURTER Love of country is like love of woman -- he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest go...
FELIX ADLER The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark stre...
FELIX ADLER The family is the school of duties... founded on love.
FELIX ADLER The words of the Constitution are so unrestricted by their intrinsic meaning or by their history or ...
FELIX FRANKFURTER The dynamo of our economic system is self-interest which may range from mere petty greed to admirabl...
FELIX FRANKFURTER The hero is the one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dar...
FELIX ADLER It was a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals...
FELIX FRANKFURTER I think we’re going to have a good day today, but we should have a good day every time we come to ...
FELIX SABATES The family is the school of duties - founded on love
FELIX ADLER Q:'You don't spoil your grandchildren do you?A:'Not this morning, I haven't seen them yet.'
FELIX SABATES I came into the world a Jew, and although I did not live my life entirely as a Jew, I think it is fi...
FELIX FRANKFURTER 'Will you retire?''When they put me in the grave, I want to have a pen in my hand.'
FELIX SABATES I don't like a man to be too efficient. He's likely to be not human enough.
FELIX FRANKFURTER We had a convicted felon as the president. ... And no organization.
FELIX SABATES Being a part of both organizations, there is no comparison in the two organizations. This is a profe...
FELIX SABATES Generally the theories we believe we call facts, and the facts we disbelieve we call theories.
FELIX COHEN Fragile as reason is and limited as law is as the institutionalised medium of reason, that's all we ...
FELIX FRANKFURTER These seem to me so ambiguous, so vague, so easily misunderstood in comparison to genuine music, whi...
FELIX MENDELSSOHN People often complain that music is too ambiguous, that what they should think when they hear it is ...
FELIX MENDELSSOHN The past speaks to us in a thousand voices, warning and comforting, animating and stirring to action...
FELIX ADLER I've been busy for years, buying land, often under pseudonyms, and planting trees on it. All the...
FELIX DENNIS What is negotiation but the accumulation of small lies leading to advantage?
FELIX DENNIS The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times w...
ALLYSON FELIX People who get trapped in the tunnel vision of making money think that is all there is to life.
FELIX DENNIS Perhaps a hundred people assembled one evening, May 15, 1876, at the time when the country was celeb...
FELIX ADLER All our work, our whole life is a matter of semantics, because words are the tools with which we wor...
FELIX FRANKFURTER I grew up in a Christian home with amazing parents.
ALLYSON FELIX It is a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals.
FELIX FRANKFURTER Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched b...
FELIX ADLER You'll never get rich by working for your boss.
FELIX DENNIS The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.
FELIX MENDELSSOHN [His research into biblical criticism had lead him to the conclusion that most of what was contained...
FELIX ADLER It (the meet) goes on. Everyone is use to seeing her, so it will be nice when she comes back to comp...
ALLYSON FELIX Allyson could run any leg but leadoff. They say she doesn't have relay experience, but this spring s...
ALLYSON FELIX I was trying to give it all I had but I knew that I could take it up. I just had to rely on all the ...
ALLYSON FELIX It was hard to find motivation after the world championships,
ALLYSON FELIX It was hard to find motivation after the world championships. It was a long season but I learned a l...
ALLYSON FELIX Next season being a (non-international championship) season, I think we'll explore several options, ...
ALLYSON FELIX I feel a lot stronger at the end of my races this year. And I have a lot more confidence in my stren...
ALLYSON FELIX With Bobby we focus on strength,
ALLYSON FELIX I'm really pleased with the way I am dominating the race at the moment. I put a lot of work in and i...
ALLYSON FELIX I just didn't want to push it too hard, just wanted to get a good lane for the final,
ALLYSON FELIX The beginnings of a forest is one of the ugliest things on the planet. It's bleak and your neigh...
FELIX DENNIS Answers are not obtained by putting the wrong question and thereby begging the real one.
FELIX FRANKFURTER Ever since I began to compose, I have remained true to my starting principle: not to write a page be...
FELIX MENDELSSOHN When you're writing, you're in a totally different zone... I can start a difficult poem and ...
FELIX DENNIS Aviation - and space travel, in particular - have always been especially captivating.
FELIX BAUMGARTNER I don't want to be just an average guy. I want to do whatever possible to win a lot of games. I&...
FELIX HERNANDEZ Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac.
FELIX DENNIS The greatest mathematicians, as Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, always united theory and applications...
FELIX KLEIN With the greatest of respect, I have watched Apple from the day it started. I was publishing magazin...
FELIX DENNIS Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep.
FELIX FRANKFURTER Poetry is one of the oldest of all art forms, and one of its powers for shamans and tribal leaders w...
FELIX DENNIS You do not build your own houses, nor make your own garments, nor bake your own bread, simply becaus...
FELIX ADLER Freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of [achieving] a free society.
FELIX FRANKFURTER It is anomalous to hold that in order to convict a man the police cannot extract by force what is in...
FELIX FRANKFURTER I have learned that track doesn't define me. My faith defines me. I'm running because I have...
ALLYSON FELIX With a poetry book I can send 100 copies out to reviewers and other people, and even do it in advanc...
FELIX DENNIS A right without an attendant responsibility is as unreal as a sheet of paper which has only one side...
FELIX MORLEY Computers are wasteful of paper and time. Once, we'd get documents with a few errors. Now, peopl...
FELIX DENNIS We are having to live with paying the price for what happened before.
FELIX SABATES Generally the theories we believe we call facts, and the we disbelieve we call theories.
FELIX COHEN Wisdom too often never comes, and so one ought not to reject it merely because it comes late.
FELIX FRANKFURTER To some lawyers all facts are created equal.
FELIX FRANKFURTER Twenty years ago I was at Daytona and we qualified on the front row and somebody told me that it was...
FELIX SABATES My dad's a pastor and a seminary professor; my mom, she has such great faith.
ALLYSON FELIX The biggest way I stay motivated is to run with a group of friends. Sometimes it's hard to get g...
ALLYSON FELIX My faith inspires me so much. It is the very reason that I run. I feel that my running is completely...
ALLYSON FELIX It was not until the end of my freshman year in high school that I thought I could really have a fut...
ALLYSON FELIX The rich are not a contented tribe. The demands from others to share their wealth become so tiresome...
FELIX DENNIS A right without an attendant responsibility is as unreal as a sheet of paper which has only one side
FELIX MORLEY I love the relays. Track is such an individual sport, so it's fun to do something together.
ALLYSON FELIX I'm really laid back but I still like to dress up sometimes.
ALLYSON FELIX Ours is an accusational and not an inquisitorial system - a system in which the state must establish...
FELIX FRANKFURTER The pyramid is a wow. Our whole goal is we want to deliver the wow on the inside.
FELIX RAPPAPORT Rolando pursed his lips and sighed. “Just be careful.”
“Why, because her father ca...
FELIX ALEXANDER Your soul was bought for a price far greater than the world on the cross; everything Satan offers yo...
FELIX WANTANG Jesus taught us how to pray because The Lord's Prayer is the spiritual image of the Ten Commandments...
FELIX WANTANG I want to prove that if you write in strict meter and rhyme about subjects people care about, they w...