I wouldn’t wish for a terrorist attack no matter who was in charge. I for one don’t want to find out who does a better job in handling an attack, I would rather know who is better at preventing it.
Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
Sinagra For Assembly
Sinagra For Congress
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New Jersey does not need a new spending plan, what New Jersey needs is a savings plan.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
At one time the kings sat in their towers overlooking their kingdoms and sent their henchman around to collect taxes from the peons. I don’t believe anything has changed since then — except now there may be new kings and new henchmen.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
Property taxes, affordable housing, education, eminent domain, loss of jobs and homes, are the real issues the people are facing.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
Democrats are not as indignant over the high costs of energy now as their party controls congress and it is harder to point the finger at anyone. To date the Democrats, who had blamed the policies of a GOP-led Congress for helping fuel record oil-industry profits, now control the House and Senate. The silence is deafening.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
The only way politicians will be able to get more money to fund this under funded pension is again by increasing taxes, even though we already have the highest property taxes in the country. The ones that will be stuck with paying for this increase are the taxpayers.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County