I urge everyone to write your Congressman. To keep the public safe, fire departments desperately need to have the continued access to grant monies in the same, or even greater amounts, as in previous years.
Jackie Vaughn
Related Quotes
The percentage is reduced each year, until after five years the fire department is able to continue on with paid staffing with it's own funding. At a time when volunteer fire departments across the nation are struggling to obtain new volunteers, this cut really hurts. It means fire departments will have to look to the public for even more support.
— Jackie Vaughn
Turn-outs run $2,500 to $3,000 each. If a fire department has 10 volunteers, every five years they must budget for a $30,000 expenditure, just to keep up with this code alone.
— Jackie Vaughn
Purchasing new equipment simply isn't in your average fire department's budget. Cutting this budget amount means few fire departments will be able to obtain new equipment.
— Jackie Vaughn
This will affect all fire departments.
— Jackie Vaughn
MOM AND DAD didn't have any injuries from the fire, not even any smoke inhalation.
— Jackie Jensen