I think, overall, Montgomery County was well prepared. The plans we put in place really did what we wanted them to do. Now, we'll just go back and work on the areas we need to improve on.
Julie Martineau
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The Montgomery County United Way is about connecting people in need with the resources available to us. One of the things I have found in this community is that the nonprofit sector here really works hard to collaborate and work well together.
— Julie Martineau
Our organization was founded in 1955 so it stood to reason that we would do a '50s theme. This event is meant to take us back to honor the founding families of our United Way.
— Julie Martineau
It recognizes that there are individual households that have emergencies that come up throughout the year and so Montgomery County is eligible for this grant. The goal of these grants is to keep people from becoming homeless for one more month, so they won't lose their home or electricity.
— Julie Martineau
The League does not endorse candidates. This is strictly voter education.
— Julie Martineau
The candidates will get about one minute to respond to each question.
— Julie Martineau