I think our meeting with the governor's staff is what resulted in his statements that he would not support a rollback of domestic partner protections.
Kate Kendell
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This ruling will ensure that surviving domestic partners will not lose their homes at the moment they are dealing with the tragedy of having lost their life partners. California law mandates equal treatment of all families, and we are relieved the court affirmed this sensible, pro-family rule.
— Kate Kendell
In every civil rights struggle, there is a moment when the tide starts to turn, and I want so much to believe that history will look back on this day and this vote as that moment for our community.
— Kate Kendell
Civil rights
CPAG supports the aims of tax credits scheme and the additional financial support these have brought, but we are worried that problems with overpayments are putting people off claiming money they are entitled to.
— Kate Green
CPAG supports the aims of tax credits scheme and the additional financial support these have brought, but we are worried that problems with overpayments are putting people off claiming money they are entitled to,
— Kate Green
Several major research institutions were present with the governor to show their support of the new program.
— Kate Phillips