I think it's very important for Lynn Swann, because right now his entire candidacy is based on his celebrity. He kind of needs the party to coalesce behind him.
Al Neri
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Rendell's not going to just step aside the way Swann's primary opponents did.
— Al Neri
In the past, people didn't pay a lot of attention to Harrisburg, so (lawmakers) wanted to stay below the radar screen as best they could and ease into re-election.
— Al Neri
I know a lot of the guys my age and a little older hate to see this happen. I hate to see it happen too but it has to. If you want the kids to have any measure of success they can?t compete in L anymore.
— Al Neri
not good enough to be endorsed by Fox News.
— Al Franken
A brief digression on whether that suspicious-looking mole is actually cancer. ... Take this simple test called the ABC test. 'A' is for age. What is your age? Is it over thirteen? If so, it's cancer. That's how the ABC test works.
— Al Franken