I think it is time for the community to start really working collaboratively. When the (IVGID) board of trustees hired me they asked me to get involved in the community - and I'm passionate about being involved in the community.
Bill Horn
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We're a special district that does more than most. We are further along in the community involvement process than most communities around the lake, and this is a chance for us to have a voice in what happens around the lake over the next 20 years.
— Bill Horn
In this process we have to look at where this community is going. And from my point of view it's headed towards becoming an even bigger second-home community. But we need to bring in someone here that has experience - experience in city planning, experience in performing the kind of analysis that shows us where we can go - what's realistic.
— Bill Horn
At a time when drug cartels are flooding our streets with marijuana, and gang warfare is rampant, it's impossible for the Board of Supervisors to give its blessing to the use of a drug that is forbidden by federal law.
— Bill Horn
Hopefully we'll have the same student turnout that we had the last time ESPN came for the Louisiana-Lafayette game.
— Darrin Horn
It was my first time hitting in a long time, and I just tried to get out there and put the bat on the ball.
— Erin Horn