I researched speak-easies in D.C. -- on Georgia Avenue and in Northwest -- during the Prohibition Era. I wanted to stick with that theme.
Joe Englert
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Our mission is to recommend changes to the legislature and Gov. Blagojevich for programs and policies that could promote the positive involvement of both parents.
— Joe Englert
There's not a lot of effort made to include the father in the process and encourage them to stay in the life of their child.
— Joe Englert
All I kin git out o' the Wickersham position on prohibition is that the distinguished jurist seems to feel that if we'd let 'em have it the problem o' keepin' 'em from gitten;' it would be greatly simplified
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I would encourage those who are affected by this to go to the Supreme Court and question this absolute prohibition, in effect, of 'no permit-no rally' because this goes beyond reasonable restraint for common good,
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There is pain in prohibition
— Irish Sayings