I require only three things of a man. He must be handsome, ruthless and stupid.
Dorothy Parker
The sexes
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I might repeat to myself, slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound; if I can remember any of the damn things.
— Dorothy Parker
I'm never going to accomplish anything; that's perfectly clear to me. I'm never going to be famous. My name will never be writ large on the roster of Those Who Do Things. I don't do anything. Not one single thing. I used to bite my nails, but I don't even do that any more.
— Dorothy Parker
The House Beautiful
is, for me, the play lousy.
— Dorothy Parker
Women are like fine wine. They all start out fresh, fruity and intoxicating to the mind and then they turn full-bodied with age until they go sour and vinegary and give you a headache.
— Source Unknown
The sexes
Any girl can be glamorous; all you have to do is stand still and look stupid.
— Hedy Lamarr
The sexes