I never thought that we would ever be able to win one championship much less seven, ... (Katona) was a legend. To think that we beat his record is very, very special. I'm very humbled by the experience. It's a pretty neat deal.
Frank Kimmel
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I'm pretty much a realist, but we are going to give it our best. I never thought I'd be here. We're going to have a blast.
— Frank Kimmel
Ryan Newman has already told me he's going to knock the crap out of me on the track.
— Frank Kimmel
It's just amazing we're able to continue like that.
— Frank Kimmel
The most important thing that we did this year was just be really, really consistent, ... We had a good, strong season. The car ran good almost every single race we went to. When we did have problems, we were able to overcome them and keep the car on the racetrack.
— Frank Kimmel
He was a grizzly, old veteran, just a real hard-nosed racer, ... He would run all day long, and then all of a sudden with 20 (laps) to go, you would look up and he would be leading the race.
— Frank Kimmel