I mean, look at the way Morales refers to killing my sister in his clemency letter to the governor. He doesn't ever say he killed Terri -- he says, 'I've been found guilty.' That doesn't sound like he's really owning up to it.
Brian Chalk
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Everybody's upset. I guess they're just going to have to pump him full of poison one way or the other.
— Brian Chalk
Terri had everything going for her. She was my mom's best friend. Every girl wanted to be her, and if they were boys they wanted to be near her.
— Brian Chalk
She writes her own music, sings beautifully, she's athletic and has everything going for her.
— Brian Chalk
Lethal injection is the most humane way to do it. 99.999 percent of the people that go through this are out before the second drug enters their vein. They don't feel anything.
— Brian Chalk
Morales has already spent more time in the safety of 'Death Row' than my sister was allowed to spend in this life. She was not given any appeals for her life and her cries for help went unnoticed except for the men who hatefully cut her life short. Morales has been given the rights he never allowed my sister.
— Brian Chalk