I loved this woman. You can't just turn off that kind of feeling. But I loved a person who didn't exist. I loved someone Diana was pretending to be. Maybe the signs were there, but I refused to see them. Maybe I didn't want to see them.
James Patterson
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My Twin Passions, Homeopathy and Infidelity.
— Prince Charles
Life's irony;Some couples cheat on one another,not because they are promiscous, but because their nature makes over familiarity kill their sex lives.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
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Never tell a loved one of an infidelity: you would be badly rewarded for your troubles. Although one dislike being deceived, one likes even less to be undeceived.
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Physical infidelity is the signal, the notice given, that all fidelities are undermined.
— Katherine Anne Porter