I know from personal experience that, while these snacks may not be a necessary part of a healthy diet, they sure taste good, ... But I, and all consumers, should have the information we need to make informed decisions about the food we eat.
Bill Lockyer
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wonderful stories of heroic acts.
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Commercial fund-raising firms that solicit donations must employ tactics that do not deceive consumers or the charities they represent. This agreement will ensure that Newport's future solicitations are not misleading.
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It looks like the supply is manipulated in a way that produces the highest possible prices
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Along with Enron, Dynegy and El Paso Corporation , they broke the rules and violated the law. This settlement holds Reliant accountable for its substantial role in the rip-off that was the energy crisis.
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Along with Enron, Dynegy and El Paso Corp. , they broke the rules and violated the law. This settlement holds Reliant accountable for its substantial role in the rip-off that was the Energy Crisis.
— Bill Lockyer