I don't know how long Morgan County can survive taking millions and millions out of the road and bridge, ... You can look at some of the roads and see that we need all the money we can get to maintain them.
Kevin Murphy
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It was a good road win. There's no question about that.
— Drew Murphy
For the guy that's doing the weekends, this girl could bump into him walking down the road or going to the store,
— Frances Murphy
Yesterday, we were starting to gain the upper hand. Then the winds kicked up, blew it over a road and it took off.
— Dave Murphy
We all enjoyed the experience of the first leg at Easter Road, European nights are massive occasions for everyone and the thought of having at least four more is exciting for all of us.
— David Murphy
West Georgia athletics is moving into an entirely new era and as we go down the road toward the future of our athletics program, this move is part of it. The timing is right for this change.
— Ed Murphy