I don't care how often he comes to town, the kids want an autograph - even if they already have a bunch of them at home. He doesn't have any bodyguards with him when he comes. He visits friends and relatives, shows up for church and then goes home.
Fred Norris
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This is where T.O. comes in the summer to talk to kids about staying in school and the dangers of alcohol, drugs and teen pregnancy. The T.O. we see is a quiet, laid-back individual.
— Fred Norris
I do believe we can reach at-risk kids. We can make a difference in their lives. For the most part they are just unruly kids who need discipline and guidance.
— Lisa Norris
We've got kids, I'm sure, who have never been out of South Carolina.
— Fred Coan
(From) the smiles on the kids' faces, you could really tell that you took them away from everything that's been going on in their lives these last couple of weeks.
— Fred Hoiberg
We showed that to our kids. We use whatever we can to motivate them.
— Fred Ross