I do honour the very flea of his dog.
Ben Jonson
Related Quotes
So, naturalists observe, a flea Has smaller fleas that on him prey; And these have smaller still to bite 'em, And so proceed ad infinitum. Thus every poet in his kind Is bit by him that comes behind.
— Jonathan Swift
Panurge had a flea in his ear. [Fr., Panurge auoyt la pulee en l' oreille.]
— Francois Rabelais
Then mimick'd my voice with satyrical sneer, And sent me away with a Flea in my ear.
— Mochus (Moschus)
It was many and many a year ago, In a District styled E.C., That a monster dwelt whom I cam to know By the name of Cannibal Flea, And the brute was possessed with no other thought Than to live--and to live on me.
— Thomas Hood, Jr.
"I cannot raise my worth too high; Of what vast consequence am I!" "Not of the importance you suppose," Replies a Flea upon his nose; "Be humble, learn thyself to scan; Know, pride was never made for man."
— John Gay