I come from good old Boston, The home of the bean and the cod, Where Cabots speak only to Lowells, And the Lowells speak only to God.
Samuel Clarke Bushnell
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I am from Massachusetts, The land of the sacred cod, There the Adamses snub the Abootts And the Cabots walk with God.
— Samuel Clarke Bushnell
Here's to France, the moon whose magic rays move the tides of the world.
— Unattributed Author
Here's to our beloved George Washington, the Joshua of America, who commanded the sun and the moon to sand still--and they obeyed.
— Benjamin Franklin
The bubble winked at me, and said, "You'll miss me brother, when you're dead."
— Oliver Herford
Some have meat but cannot eat; Some could eat but have no meat; We have meat and can all eat; Blest, therefore, be God for our meat.
— Dr. Plume