I can't control what happens on the outside but I can learn to control what happens on the inside. We can learn to control how we react, how we think about things, and ultimately how we feel about things. We can learn to set boundaries on how much we let what happens outside of us, affect us. You can be emotionally vested in your life, while not allowing yourself to fall apart when things are difficult by deciding what you let past your barriers. It is not to say you will never have suffering, or that you should deny all suffering. Rather decide how much, and how long you will allow your own suffering. It's about reclaiming your power through personal responsibility. Accepting the responsibility you have to yourself. To look after yourself, to advocate for yourself, to seek the highest quality of life possible by controlling your state of mind to at least some degree. It's to be mindful of who you are and what you're doing and the affect of that on you.

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