I buckle that chin strap and I'm a different guy. I'm very vocal and I don't like offense of the opposition a whole lot.
Brian Barber
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He's moved back to the sixth man spot, and he's really taken ownership of that.
— Brian Barber
Bryce does a lot of the intangibles. He's our best post player. He's probably been our most consistent all year. He always comes in ready to play.
— Brian Barber
Todd has been playing with a lot more energy the last month of the season. He's been doing it at both ends of the floor.
— Brian Barber
They've all been major contributors the last two years for us. They're a close group. They've done a great job leading by example this year.
— Brian Barber
Southmont is a conference rival, and it's a senior-dominated team. We know they're going to come after us. We're going to have to win three games to win it, so we have to go the long route.
— Brian Barber