I am gradually approaching the period in my life when work comes first. . . . No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes.
Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz
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No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes
— Kathe Kollwitz
Genius can probably run on ahead and seek out new ways. But the good artists who follow after genius - and I count myself among these - have to restore the lost connection once more.
— Kathe Kollwitz
I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown.
— Kathe Kollwitz
Where do all the women who have watched so carefully over the lives of their beloved ones get the heroism to send them to face the cannon?
— KaThe Kollwitz
No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes.
— KaThe Kollwitz