His voice was authoritative, gravelly, almost grandfatherly in some ways, ... He had a voice that made him sound like an older relative explaining an important bit of business to you.
Bruce Kennedy
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I'm not happy about it, but stuff happens.
— Bruce Kennedy
It's very encouraging. This means they won't have time on their hands as they have had for the last few months.
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Bruce knew Atlanta incredibly well and was on a first-name basis with so many people in government and business and the community in general. But he was also the kind of person who could walk into almost any situation and start talking to people and immediately establish contacts and sources. He was our Rolodex in some ways. He had everyone's number on the tip of his tongue.
— Bruce Kennedy
If this (the discrimination decision) was made by a federal court, and not a federal agency, we might look at it differently,
— Bruce Kennedy
There is a considerable body of law that says the court has to follow the law at the time the case is decided, ... If they (the Village Board) repeals this section of the law, then the court is going to have to treat the law as no longer being in effect.
— Bruce Kennedy