His remarks are un-Christian and a perversion of religion. Unlike Robertson, we don't see God as cruel and vengeful.
Abraham H. Foxman
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The findings suggest that American public opinion is starkly divided when it comes to the role of religion in the public square, and that our nation's proud tradition of church-state separation is threatened as never before.
— Abraham H. Foxman
Public opinion
It is outrageous and shocking, but not surprising, that Pat Robertson once again has suggested that God will punish Israel's leaders for any decision to give up land to the Palestinians.
— Abraham H. Foxman
Understanding the danger of combining religion and politics, our founding fathers wisely created a political system based on individual merit and religious inclusiveness,
— Abraham Foxman
Founding fathers
It is time to shine the spotlight on those who have seized upon the immigration debate as an opportunity to advance their agenda of hate, bigotry and white supremacy. This report reminds us that there is a direct connection between the national policy debate and the atmosphere surrounding the daily lives of immigrants. Extremist groups are seeking to exploit the flow of foreign workers into this country to spread a message of xenophobia, to promote hateful stereotypes and to incite bigotry and violence against Hispanics, regardless of their status as citizens.
— Abraham H. Foxman
We see it in moments of crisis and moments of trauma. What they try to do is link themselves to a legitimate event that people respond to emotionally and intellectually, because otherwise you would never log on to them.
— Abraham H. Foxman