He's in good position to backchannel with the Senate, being vice-chairman of the Commission on Appointments and head of the house CA panel.
Gabriel Claudio
The Senate
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As one of the responsibilities of Vice President, I plan on organizing the Senate. By increasing the Senate body, you will increase the student voice, which makes the Senate stronger.
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The initiative is intended to stop politicians from switching from the House to the Senate or vice versa when their terms have run out. Right now we don't have real term limits because politicians can defeat the spirit of the law by playing political musical chairs.
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The difference between the two for me, fundamentally, is that the Senate and the governor want to do it the way it's always been done, and the House wants to see if there's a better way to do things, if there's a way to change the structure of how we provide services.
— Geoffrey Segal
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This is one of the worst things the Senate has ever done. On the back of a cocktail napkin they have tossed aside protections of individual liberty that have been in existence for centuries.
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My preference is that we eliminate the Senate.
— Dalton McGuinty
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