He just happened to walk through there and I knew something wasn't right.
Kurt Clark
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He's definitely my best friend.
— Kurt Clark
Best friend
(Bo) was probably the reason he ran away. (The cat) didn't know what it was. Probably a good thing he was with me.
— Kurt Clark
I went over the other side of the pit, climbed the fence to make sure he was going through there, but he wasn't. And that's when I turned around, and that's when he attacked me.
— Kurt Clark
They'll start right in, hollering all kinds of outrageous things. They're going to try and incite anyone they can. They'll tie U.S. flags to their ankles and drag them through the dust. Then when they get to the area police have set aside for them . . . they'll spit on the flags and blow their noses on them.
— Kurt Mayer
Right now, we are in the 'You Name the Club' Club. Basically, what we've done is we've opened it up and given it to the community to have them come in, take a look at what we have to offer and name us.
— Kurt Oberloh