He didn't confess that he intended to cause her death. By that alone, the jury should find him not guilty.
Brian Donohue
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When the only defense you have is one of extreme emotional disturbance, you have to put your client on the stand.
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We knew it was going to be a tough case, that's why I urged my client to take a plea bargain. Off the top of my head, I don't think he has any complaints, the jury was out for 8 or 9 hours.
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I think it was expected. We knew it was going to be a difficult case. That's why I urged my client to take the plea bargain.
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I know this stuff is pretty commonplace with these video games -- the violence, the sex -- but this part, the use of crucifixion, is obnoxious and, I would have to say it's willfully obnoxious.
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