Hablar bien, expresarse correctamente en español, no es conocer mil palabras y vomitarlas machaconamente; supone el conocimiento preciso de cada término, su raíz filológica, el empleo justo de cada vocablo en el momento adecuado evitando redundancias, hipérboles y prolongaciones del discurso que, de otra forma, deviene pesado y pedantesco.
Antonio Cavanillas De Blas
Related Es asombroso el hecho de que una gran parte de nosotros siga inmersa en sueños cuando nos despertam... NEIL GAIMAN El caballo español es como el vino, se aprecia por su color y al moverlo se disfruta cada uno de su... JORGE EDUARDO CONTRERAS SALCEDO Lo que quiero conseguir del curso en la universidad es algún conocimiento sobre la mejor manera de ... L.M. MONTGOMERY Una de las mejores razones, si no hubiera otra, para la abolición del dinero, es precisamente que s... EDWARD BELLAMY El paraguas individual es la imágen favorita de mi padre cuando quiere caracterizar el tiempo en qu... EDWARD BELLAMY Todas las aves tomaron del fuegosu figura. El pensamiento también tiene su origen en el fuego. Las ... LAURA ESQUIVEL —Estoy enamorado de ti, y no me apetece privarme del sencillo placer de decir la verdad. Estoy ena... JOHN GREEN Y, entonces, en ese instante que tan solo dura un segundo, el cerebro se encarga de abrir la cerradu... AUDREY DRY Pero en los casos en los que no ha sido costumbre sino el más íntimo impulso el que nos ha llevado... HERMANN HESSE - Estoy enamorado de tí, y no estoy en el negocio de negarme el simple placer de decir cosas verdad... JOHN GREEN Que significa 'amar'? Durante anios he pensado que significa conocer a la otra persona..., conocerla... SáNDOR MáRAI De todos los idiomas europeos el que resulta más difícil de hablar bien a mi entender es sin duda ... ANTONIO CAVANILLAS DE BLAS En cuanto al poder, se aleja a toda vela de la calle y del mercado, de las asambleas y de los parlam... ZYGMUNT BAUMAN No tenían tiempo para pensar en el futuro. Pero luego las expectativas de vida empezaron a aumentar... JOHN GREEN Hallando en cada enfermedad síntomas de la mía, creía tenerlas todas y contraje una más cruel de... JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU ¿Qué nos pasó? Tal vez estamos en el mundo para buscar el amor, encontrarlo y perderlo, una y otr... ISABEL ALLENDE Pero cada uno de los hombres no es tan solo él mismo; es también un punto único, particularismo, ... HERMANN HESSE en realidad no importa que no esperemos nada de la vida, sino que la vida espere algo de nosotros. D... VIKTOR E. FRANKL Heredé de mis antepasados las ansias de huir. Dicen que mi sangre es europea. Yo siento que cada gl... ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK la admiración por el Padre, símbolo de lo cerrado y agresivo, capaz de chingar y abrir, se transpa... OCTAVIO PAZ La desgracia de Adam Appleby era que, en cuanto despertaba del sueño, su conciencia se inundaba inm... DAVID LODGE (...) y todo aquello unido era el río, todas las voces, los fines, los anhelos, los sufrimientos, l... HERMANN HESSE El tiempo no es algo externo a nosotros, vive en nuestro interior. Sólo nosotros vivimos el pasado,... SIRI HUSTVEDT El hombre no domina la naturaleza, sino que, fundándose sobre el conocimiento de unas cuantas leyes... ERICH FROMM Hay un minuto en que se agota la siesta. Hasta la secreta, recóndita, minúscula actividad de los i... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ Siempre hay un momento, justo antes de empezar a leer, en el que el corazón me da un vuelco y me pr... NICHOLAS SPARKS Pero en esto yerran los jóvenes tan a menudo y tan gravemente. Ellos, en cuya naturaleza está el n... RAINER MARIA RILKE Al salir del velorio había movido una taza vacía frente a mí. Había dicho: «He leído su suerte... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ ¿Nunca les pasó estar con alguien muy hermoso? Ver a esa persona, escucharla hablar, seguir cada u... CIELO LATINI me habia quedado tambien casi por completo sin contactos con quienes anteriormente mehabia permitido... THOMAS BERNHARD La publicidad es el único trabajo en el que te pagan por hacer las cosas peor de lo que puedes hace... FRéDéRIC BEIGBEDER Con tal disposición y determinación, ¡qué país es éste para el viajero, donde la más mísera ... WASHINGTON IRVING Y la belleza es una forma de genio más elevada, en verdad, que el genio; no tiene necesidad de expl... OSCAR WILDE —Si yo bajara en busca de tu alma, ni todos los querubines negros juntos podrían apartarme de ti.... SYLVAIN REYNARD Los amantes y los locos tienen desbocado el seso, y son dados a forjar fantasías que abarcan más d... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Ningún escritor se convierte en minoritario autor de culto por sí solo. Es el lector, que creye... RAFAEL LECHOWSKI [...]sabía que el organismo producía tres tipos de lágrimas, cada una con su propia composición ... MAGGIE STIEFVATER De lo que hemos dicho se desprende que la tarea del poeta es describir no lo que ha acontecido,... ARISTOTLE Quizas te sorprenda que me acuerde con tanto detalle de ese dia, de esas horas (...) A mi tambien me... SáNDOR MáRAI El niño que sobrevivió continúa siendo un símbolo de nuestra causa: el triunfo del bien, el pode... J.K. ROWLING Para eliminar el salvajismo en el mundo, hay que empezar eliminando el salvajismo de los deportes sa... MARTíN BALAREZO GARCíA Yo he visto estos solitarios apretujados en increíbles racimos en los andenes y en los coches del t... ARTURO USLAR PIETRI —¿Nunca has parado el mundo? —¿Qué es parar el mundo? —Parar el mundo es decidir ... ALBERT ESPINOSA Esa pareja equilibrada no es una utopía ; existen tales parejas, a veces incluso en el mismo marco ... SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR En griego, «regreso» se dice nostos. Algos significa “sufrimiento”. La nostalgia es, pues, el ... MILAN KUNDERA Los Padres son dueños de todo y la gente no posée nada; es la obra maestra de la razón y la justi... VOLTAIRE Pero el amor puede transformar en belleza y dignidad cosas bajas y viles, porque no ve con los ojos,... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE La dicha es una cosa tan rara en este mundo, que el hombre no ha pensado en inventar palabras para e... THéOPHILE GAUTIER Las mujeres contribuyen más de la mitad de la nación y no es posible hacer labor legislativa seria... CLARA CAMPOAMOR William Rackham es lo que podríamos llamar un cristiano ateo supersticioso; es decir, cree en un Di... MICHEL FABER A veces oigo una música... O una canción... Una voz de mujer... Y allí encuentro lo que he sentid... SVETLANA ALEXIEVICH El peor tipo de llanto no era el tipo que todos podían ver, los lamentos en las esquinas, el desgar... KATIE MCGARRY siete de enero de 1986 me tragué otras cuantas pastillas mágicas del doctor Singh y cogí un avió... PAUL AUSTER Así, la suerte de la mujer y la del socialismo están íntimamente ligadas, como se ve también SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Me reconcilié conmigo mismo, me acepté con un poco de benevolencia y entonces tuve mi primer atisb... ISABEL ALLENDE Cualquiera puede amar algo por algún motivo. Eso es tan fácil como meterse un penique en el bolsil... PATRICK ROTHFUSS Muchos años después, frente al pelotón de fusilamiento, el coronel Aureliano Buendía había de r... GABRIEL GARCíA MáRQUEZ ¿ Por qué morían tan jóvenes?, se pregunta Stefan Zweig hablando de aquella generación y de su ... WILLIAM OSPINA Entro Kriztina y aquel salon oscuro se inundo de luz. No solamente irradiaba juventud, no. Irradiaba... SáNDOR MáRAI Estar enamorado es lo más maravilloso y lo más terrible que te puede suceder. Sabes que has encont... KIERA CASS Es la hora, amor mío, de apartar esta rosa sombría, cerrar las estrellas, enterrar la ceniza en la... PABLO NERUDA Hay libros que tenemos a nuestro lado veinte años sin leerlos, libros de los que no nos alejamos, q... ELIAS CANETTI Pongámonos de acuerdo en qué es la igualdad, pues si la libertad es la cima, la igualdad es la bas... VICTOR HUGO Es una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y otra gente, y que todos vi... HERMANN HESSE El Tuíter es un diálogo a solas y un monólogo en compañía. Se conoce a las personas bajo su ros... FRANCISCO HINOJOSA Y de repente es cómo si no existiera nadie más en el mundo que estas dos personas que atraviesan e... SUZANNE COLLINS Desde temprana edad eran conscientes del escaso valor que el mundo daba a los libros, de manera que ... JEFFREY EUGENIDES Siempre he pensado, de hecho, que los seres humanos son 'frágiles' al amor. Sufren antes incluso de... ELISABETTA GNONE Todos eran efímeros y transitorios, y a la vuelta de cien años no quedaría rastro de ellos sobre ... MIGUEL DELIBES Las crudas realidades de las personas, los menos favorecidos, no deberíamos sentir esas realidades ... PATRICIA VELáSQUEZ La voluntad, el deseo de vivir, es tan fuerte en el animal como en el hombre. En el hombre es mayor ... PíO BAROJA Dolor y muerte. Dos palabras que podrían resumir lo que ocurrió en Hollow Hallows a finales de su ... CARLOS J. EGUREN (...) Y la alegría lo llenó de la cabeza a los pies, alegría de vivir y alegría de ser él mismo... MICHAEL ENDE Porque no vivo ni en mi pasado ni en mi futuro. Tengo sólo el presente, y él es el que me interesa... PAULO COELHO El pueblo antiguo que deseaba tener una clara armonía moral en el mundo, ordenaba primero su vida n... CONFUCIUS Toro: Hay gente que no sabe lo que es el amor. Pescuezo: ¿Qué es el amor? Toro: …….e... DAVID COTOS Hoy en día la gente conoce el precio de todo y el valor de nada. OSCAR WILDE Bea dice que el arte de leer se está muriendo lentamente, que es un ritual íntimo, que un libro es... CARLOS RUIZ ZAFóN ¿Quiere que vaya a la iglesia y me confiese? ¿Cree que los detectives nos rebajamos a hablar con s... PABLO DE SANTIS Quizás yo no soy muy inteligente. Pertenezco al pueblo. Pero ¿no es el pueblo el que hace funciona... HARUKI MURAKAMI Puedo decirte que el final de una vida es la suma del amor que fue vivido en ella; y estar en su fin... CASSANDRA CLARE Como si el mundo se encogiera en torno a un núcleo de entidades desglosables. Las cosas cayendo en ... CORMAC MCCARTHY El sufrimiento es impuesto a nosotros una y otra vez hasta que un día seríamos valientes sabios am... SUZY KASSEM Que yo sepa, lo único que no da resaca y que disipa momentáneamente la muerte —tambié... MILENA BUSQUETS ¿Te encuentras bien? Tu barco está a punto de undirse. Todavía no has pedido socorro? Has abusado... YUKIO MISHIMA No puedo hablar de nuestra historia de amor, así que hablaré de matemáticas. No soy matemática, ... JOHN GREEN Para mí, el azul mediterráneo ya no es bonito. La transparencia de sus aguas, tan valorada por los... JONATHAN FRANZEN Me encantaría creer en un mundo invisible. Eso destruiría todo el sufrimiento y la presión del mu... CHUCK PALAHNIUK Supongo que hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo: los que se sientan alrededor de un fuego a mirar ... JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT En ese momento me di cuenta de que el anochecer es solo una ilusión, porque el sol sigue estando pr... NICHOLAS SPARKS En algún momento hay que dejar de correr y hacerles frente a tus enemigos, lo difícil es reunir el... SUZANNE COLLINS Mira a todos a tu alrededor y ve lo que hemos hecho de nosotros y de eso considerado como victoria n... CLARICE LISPECTOR Queremos que el fotógrafo sea un espía en la casa del amor y de la muerte y que los retratados no ... SUSAN SONTAG [Kelly Slater dijo desde el saque que Mar Ohno es un tablista que no debería ser subestimado por na... KELLY SLATER Me pregunto si la gente se da cuenta de lo pequeño y cerrado que es el mundo en el que vivimos. Pod... MARIAM PARRA ¿Quieres entender que es un año de vida? Pregúntaselo a un estudiante que acaba de suspender el e... MARC LEVY Es importante recordar que el karma está relacionado con el aprendizaje, no con el castigo. Nuestro... BRIAN L. WEISS Pero el tiempo pasa, y dura. Y hay un momento en que todo se estanca. Los días dejan de contarse, l... ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE Porque el tiempo es vida, y la vida reside en el corazón. Y cuanto más ahorraba de esto la gente, ... MICHAEL ENDE A medida que transcurría el tiempo, se afirmaba en la certeza de que el mundo y la vida eran más f... ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE
More Antonio Cavanillas De Blas
De todos los idiomas europeos el que resulta más difícil de hablar bien a mi entender es sin duda ... ANTONIO CAVANILLAS DE BLAS This is private property! This is not a government entity. This is not a government facility. FRANK BLAS We're working with the mayor's in basically identifying the best spots for these places, based on le... FRANK BLAS We're looking at utilizing the resources from the other agencies, [the] Department of Agriculture an... FRANK BLAS I made a habit always to hear the Indians; and although they very often lie to me, I do not show the... ANTONIO DE MENDOZA Liberty means responsibility. That's why most men dread it. ANTONIO DE MENDOZA One of those things I never exactly cared for was that phobia of appearing to be rich. To become ric... ANTONIO ERMIRIO DE MORAES Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking. ANTONIO MACHADO The great thing about our system of democracy is when they call you for jury duty, you have to come.... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Too many Californians are struggling to make ends meet, pay the bills, and send their kids to colleg... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA I hope the business sense that artists like Jay-Z and Nelly are showing rubs off on the young player... ANTONIO DAVIS ¡La poesía no es de quien la escribe, sino de quien la usa! ANTONIO SKáRMETA To tell the truth is revolutionary. ANTONIO GRAMSCI The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned. ANTONIO GRAMSCI My practicality consists in this, in the knowledge that if you beat your head against the wall it is... ANTONIO GRAMSCI In the life of children there are two very clear-cut phases, before and after puberty. Before pubert... ANTONIO GRAMSCI Pessimism of the spirit; optimism of the will. ANTONIO GRAMSCI What we pay for with our lives never costs too much. ANTONIO PORCHIA He who goes step by step always finds himself level with a step. ANTONIO PORCHIA For as long as and insofar as it cannot be, it is almost always a reproach to everything that can. ANTONIO PORCHIA I keep my hands empty for the sake of what I have had in them. ANTONIO PORCHIA Whatever I take, I take too much or too little; I do not take the exact amount. The exact amount is ... ANTONIO PORCHIA Those who gave away their wings are sad not to see them fly. ANTONIO PORCHIA Flowers are without hope. Because hope is tomorrow and flowers have no tomorrow. ANTONIO PORCHIA Infancy is what is eternal, and the rest, all the rest, is brevity, extreme brevity. ANTONIO PORCHIA In a full heart there is room for everything, and in an empty heart there is room for nothing. -Ant... ANTONIO PORCHIA Like a blazing comet, I've traversed infinite nights, interstellar spaces of the imagination, vo... ANTONIO TABUCCHI If you think about it seriously, all the questions about the soul and the immortality of the soul an... ANTONIO GRAMSCI They will say you are on the wrong road, if it is your own. ANTONIO PORCHIA One lives in the hope of becoming a memory. ANTONIO PORCHIA I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will. ANTONIO GRAMSCI I know what I have given you... I do not know what you have received. ANTONIO PORCHIA Certainties are arrived at only on foot. ANTONIO PORCHIA Before puberty the child's personality has not yet formed and it is easier to guide its life and mak... ANTONIO GRAMSCI In a full heart there is room for everything, and in an empty heart there is room for nothing. ANTONIO PORCHIA I turn and turn in my cell like a fly that doesn't know where to die. ANTONIO GRAMSCI After puberty the personality develops impetuously and all extraneous intervention becomes odious. .... ANTONIO GRAMSCI I don't want anything I don't deserve, but if they offer me more money, I'm not stupid. ANTONIO BANDERAS I would like you to understand completely, also emotionally, that I'm a political detainee and will ... ANTONIO GRAMSCI I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will ANTONIO GRAMSCI I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received ANTONIO PORCHIA Under all that we think, lives all we believe, like the ultimate veil of our spirits. ANTONIO MACHADO Eco sees the intellectual as an organizer of culture, someone who can run a magazine or a museum. An... ANTONIO TABUCCHI Let me be clear - no one is above the law. Not a politician, not a priest, not a criminal, not a pol... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA I got to grow up with a mother who taught me to believe in me. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Xenophobia manifests itself especially against civilizations and cultures that are weak because they... ANTONIO TABUCCHI I cannot listen to Beethoven or Mahler or Chopin or Bach when I write because those composers requir... ANTONIO DAMASIO I vividly remember the stories my grandfather told me about the carnage of the First World War, whic... ANTONIO TABUCCHI I think anything you impose on players, the first reaction is going to be, 'Nah, I don't want to do ... ANTONIO DAVIS I don't think it's fair for them to tell you exactly how to dress. You can't say no jeans. I've seen... ANTONIO DAVIS I'm not apologizing to anybody for anything. I don't think that my wife did anything wrong, I don't ... ANTONIO DAVIS The thing that I like so far is that guys care. Nobody's sitting and being complacent with what's go... ANTONIO DAVIS Tim and the Spurs are going to the Virgin Islands. Tim said he had nothing to do with it. Yeah right... ANTONIO DANIELS We talked about staying loose. We were missing 30 points and nearly six assists. That's a big part o... ANTONIO DANIELS Some nights it's scoring, some nights it's not. Some nights it's defending. If everybody falls in an... ANTONIO DANIELS You always pull for the underdog, and Billy works extremely hard. He comes in early and gets shots, ... ANTONIO DANIELS You have so many all-stars, great players, who don't wear suits. Are you going to tell them that the... ANTONIO DANIELS I'm not here to average 30 points a game, ... That's not who I am, that's not what I'm about. I was ... ANTONIO DANIELS It took me getting to San Antonio, where I played with Avery Johnson, Mario Elie, Steve Kerr, Sean E... ANTONIO DANIELS No way, no how. There is no one more deserving to make the All-Star team than Gilbert Arenas. ANTONIO DANIELS That's a big chunk of who we are and what we do, but everybody else filled in the gaps. It was almos... ANTONIO DANIELS It will be a real defensive challenge for us because they both have a lot of offensive weapons, guys... ANTONIO DANIELS All I could hear was screaming, ANTONIO COSTA You have done great work in seizing drugs and precursors, prosecuting drug-related crimes and seizin... ANTONIO COSTA It is essential to pool our resources because we have fires in Portugal, but tomorrow there could be... ANTONIO COSTA States are required to return money and other assets obtained through corruption to the country from... ANTONIO COSTA The world will have a powerful new tool to control corruption on a scale that has never existed befo... ANTONIO COSTA The type of guy Keyshawn is and the type of guy I am, Dallas wasn't big enough for both of us. So so... ANTONIO BRYANT I didn't want him to think I was nagging him. ANTONIO BRYANT I didn’t want him to think I was nagging him, ANTONIO BRYANT Just facing him eye to eye the last two days, I can tell he's going to do whatever it takes to make ... ANTONIO BRYANT I haven't met him yet, but I'd like to be on every angle on the field so hopefully if I'm there and ... ANTONIO BRYANT I can relate to a guy like Trent. He's a grinder. When we talk, it never ends on a negative note. We... ANTONIO BRYANT A lot of people don't pay attention to a tropical depression at first, ANTONIO BRYANT A million dollars in pennies is still a million dollars. ANTONIO BRYANT We noticed that, too, as a team. You can become predictable. Teams kind of picked up on it. When we ... ANTONIO BRYANT We want to feed off what we did at the end last week. It's all about making those plays. If we can e... ANTONIO BRYANT For Los Angeles, it's an opportunity for us to showcase that you can come from every corner of the e... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Des Moines, Iowa ... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA We're a community built for the Olympic Games. We have world-class sporting venues and we have a his... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Hosting the Games would be not only great for Los Angeles and the nation, but also a world community... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA I think we need to do a much better job of creating new citizens, ... Oftentimes new immigrants aren... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA I'm unabashedly a progressive, but I'm not a knee-jerk, either, ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA We come to work, we come for a better life, we come to participate in the American dream. ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Our community knows the difference between rhetoric and results. They know the difference between pa... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA A champion for civil rights and social justice like him does not come around every day, ... He wante... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Many of these jobs are quality, middle-class jobs, ... The film industry is pivotal to the city's ec... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA I am after the big killers in the heavyweight division. I want to retire as the heavyweight champion... ANTONIO TARVER He came to reclaim his throne, but it wasn't happening tonight, ANTONIO TARVER I don't know where his psyche is but if I had a guy beating down on my door like that, a thorn in my... ANTONIO TARVER I'm the legend killer. That's my new moniker. Like Roy Jones, Bernard Hopkins had his era and now he... ANTONIO TARVER Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Do you have any excuses tonight Roy Jones? And seven punches later - sev... ANTONIO TARVER I got a question, ... Do you got any excuses tonight, Roy? ANTONIO TARVER Tonight I had to really dig deep because you saw the best of Roy Jones. ANTONIO TARVER I think Roy now understands that his legacy is on the line. He wants redemption, and the only way he... ANTONIO TARVER Whatever Roy Jones brings, it won't be enough. I've trained hard. I'm a better fighter. ANTONIO TARVER Hopkins gives us this feel good story of how he's going to walk away from the boxing game, riding ou... ANTONIO TARVER I don't have any doubts either about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Perhaps some more sh... ANTONIO TABUCCHI I don't go for people who lead full and satisfying lives. ANTONIO TABUCCHI I claim the right to take a stand once in a while. ANTONIO TABUCCHI Fifty years after half a million gypsies were exterminated in the Second World War - thousands of th... ANTONIO TABUCCHI Doubts are like stains on a shirt. I like shirts with stains, because when I'm given a shirt that's ... ANTONIO TABUCCHI But I don't think I have any particular talent for prediction, because when you have three or four e... ANTONIO TABUCCHI But democracy isn't a state of perfection. It has to be improved, and that means constant vigilance. ANTONIO TABUCCHI As a writer, I've always been interested in others. ANTONIO TABUCCHI An intellectual is going to have doubts, for example, about a fundamentalist religious doctrine that... ANTONIO TABUCCHI With the weather still relatively warm, the market is unlikely to sharply focus on the bullish heati... ANTONIO SZABO OPEC must add additional production capacity. This must be sufficient to meet demand and beat out th... ANTONIO SZABO Refined product fundamentals are quite strong and likely to pull up crude prices. If one adds to all... ANTONIO SZABO It has had a turn for the worse, perhaps the much worse. ... Now it's a different entity. It's not c... ANTONIO SZABO Brazil is paying greater attention to the Arabs in terms of import. ANTONIO SARKIS Algeria has a five-year plan for investment of over US$ 50 billion in infrastructure projects like h... ANTONIO SARKIS The increase in trade with the Arab countries has been surpassing the increase in trade between Braz... ANTONIO SARKIS The main products in the basket are still sugar, meats, ore, manufactured products, vehicles and agr... ANTONIO SARKIS Agribusiness is still the main sector in exports to the Arab countries, but it is already possible t... ANTONIO SARKIS For us this is very good news. The Brazilian market opens up one more opportunity for Arab exporters... ANTONIO SARKIS In the trip we recently made to Tunisia we identified five complementary economic sectors in both co... ANTONIO SARKIS Guys ask me when I'm going to be back, and I don't have no answer for them. At the same time, I've g... ANTONIO PIERCE We've got a lot of quality right now. Get us a defensive tackle and a little more depth, and we'll b... ANTONIO PIERCE He's revived. He's coming back with a chip on his shoulder. ANTONIO PIERCE maybe the smartest player we have. ANTONIO PIERCE Jay's my boy ... He's saved our butt three or four times, ANTONIO PIERCE That's how serious he is about proving himself. This isn't even about playing with a chip on your sh... ANTONIO PIERCE We played those guys as tough as anybody at their place. We put ourselves in a position to win, and ... ANTONIO PIERCE When I first signed here, I was told by Coach Coughlin, the defensive coordinator, everybody, 'We ha... ANTONIO PIERCE We knock those guys off next week, we might not have the best record in the N.F.C., but we'd have th... ANTONIO PIERCE It felt real good, ... Just to go out and prove that I can do it week in and week out. Not just to t... ANTONIO PIERCE Kodak did two things: The one that was good was the investment in digital technology. What they didn... ANTONIO PEREZ Digital imaging is as much about chemistry as it is about semiconductors. ANTONIO PEREZ Can any of the classical digital guys compete with Kodak in understanding how to make ink and how to... ANTONIO PEREZ While we achieved our goal of restructuring to improve our cost base and competitiveness, we had to ... ANTONIO PEREZ [Because of uncertainty about] the economic environment of the country, ... the prudent thing to do ... ANTONIO PEREZ We're hoping to start demolition in January. ANTONIO PEREZ We continue to push hard to remove costs, complete the restructuring of our traditional assets, driv... ANTONIO PEREZ We are at the phase now where digital is still coming up, ... You'll start to see it next year very ... ANTONIO PEREZ We knew from the beginning that film was going away. It is going away faster than we thought, ANTONIO PEREZ Diversity and inclusion is a key business imperative for us. ANTONIO PEREZ I don't (fill a bracket out) because I'm gonna lose. I can't go on the numbers, because there's alwa... ANTONIO MCDYESS Rip is on one leg out there, so we have to pick up the slack. ANTONIO MCDYESS I think there's a lot on this game. With how we lost in the Finals last year, we're definitely going... ANTONIO MCDYESS He just made it so easy for me to score. He's such a good passer. I kind of knew where his passes we... ANTONIO MCDYESS They definitely believe in getting up and down the court. ANTONIO MCDYESS I kept waiting for Ben (center Ben Wallace ) to come back in. I guess (coach) felt that if things we... ANTONIO MCDYESS When you are a young team, it is hard to compete with a team that has won one championship and almos... ANTONIO MCDYESS I haven't been to the free throw line in so long I forgot what it was like. I feel like I have to re... ANTONIO MCDYESS We didn't take them lightly at all. A team like that has nothing to lose, so we decided to come out ... ANTONIO MCDYESS He was sad to go. He definitely wanted to stay with this team, but I understand his situation. He's ... ANTONIO MCDYESS They're very hard practices. We prepare very well for every game. We feel like we do a great job for... ANTONIO MARTINEZ The borders are obstacles in applying the law, ANTONIO MARTINEZ They act like we aren't trying. This was a place to sleep and somewhere for us to keep warm. ANTONIO MARTINEZ I saw blood drops on Ronald's coat ... there were red dots everywhere, ANTONIO MARTINEZ I saw blood drops on Ronald's coat ... there were red dots everywhere. Loudly I asked, 'What happene... ANTONIO MARTINEZ Man would be otherwise. That is the essence of the specifically human. ANTONIO MACHADO Telecoms are rising because they are the most liquid; the stocks foreigners will buy when they come ... ANTONIO MACHADO These next days are crucial to see who is participating in the auctions. Everyone is waiting. ANTONIO MACHADO It's a no-news day so we've been tied to the behavior of Latin American markets and U.S. indexes. Vo... ANTONIO MACHADO It's a no-news day so we've been tied to the behavior of Latin American markets and U.S. indexes, ..... ANTONIO MACHADO The situation is very delicate. ANTONIO MACHADO Under all that we think, lives all we believe, like the ultimate veil of our spirits ANTONIO MACHADO Telecoms are rising because they are the most liquid; the stocks foreigners will buy when they come ... ANTONIO MACHADO There's nothing much special going on today, just some profit-taking. ANTONIO MACHADO If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? ANTONIO MACHADO Under all that we think, lives all we believe, like the ultimate veil
of our spirits. ANTONIO MACHADO Under all that we think, lives all we believe, like the ultimate veil of our spirits. ANTONIO MACHADO Once again, the humanitarian community is mourning a friend and colleague who died trying to help ot... ANTONIO GUTERRES Chad not only is not going to send them back but never intended to. ANTONIO GUTERRES There is no justification for such violence and loss of life. This is a terrible tragedy, and our co... ANTONIO GUTERRES We are extremely concerned about those who have been left with no shelter, no heat and none of the b... ANTONIO GUTERRES We are really very concerned. The whole region is very unstable. ANTONIO GUTERRES There is no justification for such violence and loss of life. ANTONIO GUTERRES We are particularly worried about the health of the refugee population, domestic violence and refuge... ANTONIO GUTERRES The government of Sudan has a responsibility to ensure security for all of its citizens, ANTONIO GUTERRES What we are witnessing on the ground is a very serious degeneration of the situation, ... It is extr... ANTONIO GUTERRES In these next 12 months what we'd like to see is the steady start of the return to the south, a peac... ANTONIO GUTERRES From Duke to Bradley, they're all the same. They're gonna have a chip on their shoulders but so do w... ANTONIO GRAVES We need to stick to the principles of our defense. ANTONIO GRAVES I realized that I was quicker than him and he wasn't the type of guy that was going to stick inside.... ANTONIO GRAVES We played bad defensively as a team. There was not one thing Marquette did differently in this game.... ANTONIO GRAVES Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator. ANTONIO GAUDI The creation continues incessantly through the media of man. ANTONIO GAUDI Copiers do not collaborate. ANTONIO GAUDI Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more e... ANTONIO GAUDI Because of this, originality consists in returning to the origin. ANTONIO GAUDI I'm going to at least sit down and talk with him and let him know he's in for a long night, ... It's... ANTONIO GATES When I'm in a game, something might be hurting, like a finger, and this sounds so feminine to come t... ANTONIO GATES It was basically the same as yesterday -- it got a little bit better. I think it's still going to be... ANTONIO GATES We understood that it was raining and we knew that we had to be careful making our cuts. But at the ... ANTONIO GATES No matter what you're doing (working out away from the team), it's nothing like going against Igor (... ANTONIO GATES Tony has definitely set a high standard at tight end. He's done it year in and year out. This is jus... ANTONIO GATES I am pleased with our performance. The young ladies paid attention to detail in the game plan. ANTONIO DAVIS If Vince Carter decides to leave the Toronto Raptors, this is an entirely different team. But I'm su... ANTONIO DAVIS I'm not apologizing to anybody for anything. ANTONIO DAVIS Right now, I'm just trying to lead by example. If I can go out there and show effort each and every ... ANTONIO DAVIS We don't have a choice. Larry won't let you play if you don't work on D. ANTONIO DAVIS We don't feel we have dissension. I just feel they have another opinion. We say come in and talk abo... ANTONIO DAVIS Fifty years after half a million gypsies were exterminated in the Second World War - thousands of th... ANTONIO TABUCCHI The chains that bind us the most closely are the ones we have broken. ANTONIO PORCHIA Don't let the Monday morning quarterbacks stop you from being bold. You've got to set a high... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it. ANTONIO MACHADO I believe that the mayor of the most diverse city anywhere in the world has to be a uniter, has to b... ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA