Grace is a palliative care and continuing complex care hospital blessed with a dedicated and close-knit staff. The staff see themselves as being intrinsic to the quality of care that each patient receives.
Glenn Yaffee
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One was healthy eating so we had one of our clinical dieticians do a grand round. We sat down with the head of dietetic services and she introduced a number of healthy new items on the menu. We've found them to be best sellers.
— Glenn Yaffee
Our eight member committee was very conscious from the beginning that the quality of care and service that we provide is very closely tied to quality of work life and having a healthy environment for our staff.
— Glenn Yaffee
For to do things with care is the closest thing to love that I know the cape of grace falling softly about the shoulders as we focus on the task at hand whether it be to listen or to leave or to learn.
— Jane Siberry
He was very accepting of everything and everyone. You could call it simplistic; his daughter Grace ... calls it, especially near the end of his life, fatalistic. He just loved to compete anywhere, anytime.
— Bob Reising
By "guts" I mean, grace under pressure
— Ernest Hemingway