Først er det nu denne brysomme rettsskaffenhetsfeberen, og så det som verre er, -alltid går De og ørsker i tilbedelsesdelirium; alltid skal De ha noe å beundre utenfor Deres egne greier.
Henrik Ibsen
Related Se nu er jeg borte fra byens larm og trængsel og aviser og mennesker, jeg er flygtet fra ... KNUT HAMSUN ...er det meget sterke krefter som søker å erstatte friluftsliv med mekanisert miljøødeleggende ... ARNE NæSS Skal man hjelpe en annen, må man først finne ut hvor han er, og møte ham der. Dette er det først... SøREN KIERKEGAARD COBOL er i dag uten tvil verdens mest brukte høynivå programmeringsspråk. Det har vært i kontinu... PER ASBJøRN HOLST Demonisk er bare noe sludder jeg fant for å berge livet i ham. Hadde jeg ikke så gjort, hadde det ... HENRIK IBSEN Den 4de Regel man kand give Ungdommen, er, intet at troe, uden det er giort beviisligt, og at forkas... LUDVIG HOLBERG Har du tænkt på, at grunden til, at mange ansøgninger og CV’er bliver hurtigt kasseret, er, at ... CHRISTIAN JESPERSEN ..en av os bondestudenter som er blit skadet indvortes ved å bli overflyttet til fremmed jord og at... KNUT HAMSUN Men tillige med denne U-ligheds Ophævelse, forsvandtes all Æmulation; saa at de, som tilforn havde... LUDVIG HOLBERG For selv om du tilbringer livet med å jage opplevelser, lytte til den mest utsøkte klassisk musikk... KAMAND KOJOURI Thi enhver Skribent kand nu agere Comoedie Skriver og ingen frygter at see sit Arbeide spildt, i hvo... LUDVIG HOLBERG ... men du ga fra deg dagene dine, én etter én ble de brukt opp, og til slutt var det ingen igjen,... LEIF ØSTLI Hvad er det?” spurgte Ron og pegede på et stort fad med noget, der lignede sammenkogte muslinger,... J.K. ROWLING Le jeu dechec, sige de Franske, n'est pas assez jeu: Det er, Skakspill og andre af samme Betydelse, ... LUDVIG HOLBERG Jeg haver ofte recommenderet Friehed i at skrive, og anseet de publiqve Censurer som Baand og Lænke... LUDVIG HOLBERG Jeg innså dumhetens uvurderlige betydning for alt åndelig arbeide - den sunne, medfødte eller erv... SIGURD HOEL Det er midnatt: bøkene lukket, ryddet bort til det ordløse møte med tankens gjæster, o... CLAES GILL I skille eder ved den Fordeel, som eders Religions Principia giver eder over Mahomedaner. Naar de br... LUDVIG HOLBERG Hvis ingen anden Nytte var ved Thee og Café, var dog denne, at Drukkenskab, som tilforn gik saa meg... LUDVIG HOLBERG - Jeg ville bli skuespillerinne en gang. Jeg tok timer, har jeg fortalt deg det, Kim? - Hvorfor... LARS SAABYE CHRISTENSEN Da een blev straffet, efterdi han havde Medhustruer, svarede han, at han fulte sin Tilbøyelighed, s... LUDVIG HOLBERG At holde Stand udi slige Fristelser er en Qvalitet, som nærmer sig til Heroismum; hvorudover de, so... LUDVIG HOLBERG Som skodden skapes, ændres og forsvinder - slik skummer også livsformerne for fjeldets fot. Det er... PETER WESSEL ZAPFFE ...thi det er med Sandhed som med andre Dyder, hvilke, naar Grændser ikke sættes, kand tabe deres ... LUDVIG HOLBERG Da hans Soldater udi det Aar 1637 havde fanget et Fruentimmer af en stor og rar Skiønhed, bragte de... LUDVIG HOLBERG Det var i Genève som de sex Oslostaternas utrikesministrar sammanträdde. Före det första plenarm... GUNNAR HäGGLöF I ville, at vi skal være Christne, og I ville selv ikke være det. Men, hvis I ville ikke være Chr... LUDVIG HOLBERG Saadanne haarde Vilkaar underkaste de fleeste sig selv, for at følge Strømmen, og for at i Agt tag... LUDVIG HOLBERG Guld er Guld, hvor det end findes, og Lærdom er Lærdom, af hvis Mund den end flyder; Forskiellen a... LUDVIG HOLBERG Jeg kalder nyttige Bøger dem, som sette Boghandlere udi Activitet, som forfremme Handel, og komme d... LUDVIG HOLBERG Der er mange i den kriminelle verden, der gerne vil være en succes, men godt ved, at de ikke kan bl... OLAV HERGEL Mange Christnes uordentlige Levnet haver maaskee bragt dem til at have saadanne Tanker om sig selv, ... LUDVIG HOLBERG Og jeg var så kjær i ham, å hele verden blev borte når han kom. Jeg husker en mand som kunde kom... KNUT HAMSUN Men, naar Comoedier ere moralske og opbyggelige, kand jeg ikke see, med hvad Føye man kand kaste Fo... LUDVIG HOLBERG Did reiser og nogle Mænd aarlig af stæd, Som skal for Laugmanden aflegge sin Eed, Laug-... PETTER DASS Mennesker spør ofte: Hvordan kunne sådant skje? nr de heller burde si: Mon det er skjedd? LUDVIG HOLBERG En Skoemager maa ogsaa være vel dreven udi Philosophia morali, og ingen Læsning er ham meere forn�... LUDVIG HOLBERG Dokker træng en hest," sa de. "Ja vil dokker bryte dokker så grynsmå," sa han, "så har æ ... PETER WESSEL ZAPFFE Vi sitter på varden og lar blikket seile. Fra jøkelens islys i øst til Lofotvæggens hilderland i... PETER WESSEL ZAPFFE Som så ofta när jag var i den åldern undrade jag vem jag var, och vad det egentligen var som titt... NEIL GAIMAN Christus den store og rette Lære-Mester blev af GUD skikked ned paa Jorden, for at drive paa de sto... LUDVIG HOLBERG ...tilstaaer jeg gierne, at Charactererne ere outrerede udi visse Stykker; men maa derhos sige, at A... LUDVIG HOLBERG Da den arvelige Synd blev forklaret for nogle, sagde de: Hvi lod GUD ikke Adam og Eva strax omkomme ... LUDVIG HOLBERG ...den store folkesygdom, kilden til al vor fortræd, er den sort kristendom, som af træle prækes ... BJøRNSTJERNE BJøRNSON I nord fra Paucis varre efter Kjølens rand og efter grænsen gaar vi syd til varre Savca.... HALLDOR A. JENSSEN Jeg tør frit sige, taabelige og uskiønsomme Folk; efterdi daglig Erfarenhed viser, at de udueligst... LUDVIG HOLBERG Varje gång hon kommenterade något blev det stumt. Hugo följde aldrig upp det Ester sa. Ester föl... LENA ANDERSSON Min Herres behagelige Sendebrev af 27de Dag udi Glugmaanet, (a) haver jeg den anden Dag af Blidemaan... LUDVIG HOLBERG Jeg siger, uden Incommodation: Efterdi en kostbar Klædning kand være lige saa let at bære som en ... LUDVIG HOLBERG Men, altså – Harry,” vedblev kæmpen og vendte sig bort fra den skræmte Dursley-familie. ... J.K. ROWLING De vågnede næste dag til strålende solskin og en frisk brise. “Perfekt Quidditch-vejr” sagde ... J.K. ROWLING Thi, endskiønt en Ting kand være den samme, saa foraarsager dog Maaden, paa hvilken den skeer, at ... LUDVIG HOLBERG Vi foraktet ikke de gamle. Tvert imot, vi var dem takknemlige for meget, men først og fremst for de... SIGURD HOEL Katolska kyrkor är fyllda av bilder på människor som är heliga; helgonen bär ofta med sig någo... AUGUSTIN ERBA En Skoemager maa og tildeels være Theologus; saa at han veed at giøre Forskiel imellem Religions-S... LUDVIG HOLBERG Jeg fik udi min Ungdom engang Tiltale af en Præst, efterdi en Prædiken, som jeg holdt for ham, hav... LUDVIG HOLBERG Dessutom kunde jag inte glömma vad min syster en gång hade sagt till mig medan hon ammade: ''Att s... ELIZABETH GILBERT En ting er fagkyndig analyse, en annen ting kvaksalveranalyse og onaniterapi. HARALD SCHJELDERUP Da revner tåken - og endnu en gang står han for oss, titanen, lynomfunklet, vassdrivende, skinnend... PETER WESSEL ZAPFFE [...] människan lever på ytan, och det som hon inte har för ögonen lär hon sig så småningom l... ULLA-LENA LUNDBERG Mig angrer av mit hjertens grund jeg bogen skulde lære at jeg for alt det jeg har slitt PETTER DASS Pjäsen handlade, sa Konungen till mig, om att ondskan funnes i så hög grad hos dessa människor v... PER OLOV ENQUIST En saa kalden god Ven fortaalte mig nyeligen udi Fortroelighed, at nogle udi et vist Selskab talede ... LUDVIG HOLBERG ...naar jeg er hiemme, er jeg idelig udi et Slags Arbeyd, som foraarsager Hovedbryden, saa at jeg ga... LUDVIG HOLBERG Det var nästan som att upptäcka en författare man inte läst, fast man stöter i och för sig hel... NICK HORNBY ≫Værre?≪ Filip rystede på hovedet. ≫Hvad er værre end døden?≪ ≫Jeg troede, du hav... KENNETH BøGH ANDERSEN Men allermeest er det forundringer værd, En Ganne indsætter, en anden har lærd, Den sa... PETTER DASS Thi Gurru hun svarede Halvor en Pæl, Tak have den Dan-Qvind' som giorde saa vel, Og icke... PETTER DASS Jeg haver mærket sagde Henric udi Mascaraden, at man ved Dantz kand fordrive Løsagtighed; Thi mang... LUDVIG HOLBERG Under mellanstadiet sade jag till de som mobbade mig i skolan: "Om ni inte slutar att mobba mig så ... LENA PETERSSON Naar jeg kommer i Mænds Selskab, presenteres mig enten et Glas Viin eller en Pibe Tabac, som aldeel... LUDVIG HOLBERG Det fanns inte mycket forskning och kunskap om autism när jag växte upp och gick i grundskolan. De... LENA PETERSSON Min mor snakker højere og højere, i takt med at hun bliver mere beruset. Hun får en hæslig stemm... SøRINE STEENHOLDT Kam-Kager og allehaande krusede Brød, Og store Træskaaler med Hamborger Miød, Vore Qvi... PETTER DASS Men jeg drister mig, uden Vanitet, at sige, at vore Nordiske Tilskuere, helst af Middelstand, ere la... LUDVIG HOLBERG Oh, war shill we go w'en de great day comes, / Wid be blowin' er de trumpits en de bangin' er de dru... JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS En gammel Poët haver sagt: Nulla fides pietasqve viris, qvi castra seqvuntur: Man finder hverken Re... LUDVIG HOLBERG ≫Rækker man Fanden en lillefinger…≪ grinede Filip. ≫Så tager han hele armen,≪ svare... KENNETH BøGH ANDERSEN Det är bara så att ibland blir funderande ett sätt att inte delta i livet. STEPHEN CHBOSKY Det bästa priset livet har att erbjuda är inte en chans att arbeta hårt och vara något i samhäl... ENOCK MAREGESI Med människor i en liten båt sker något sällsamt. Vad de upplever är att de känner sig ensamma... STIG DAGERMAN Conrad tillhör de sjömän som får uppleva hur ångan triumferar och seglen försvinner från have... OLOF LAGERCRANTZ Een, som af Missionario blev opmuntret til at troe, sagde: Jeg troer dine Ord; thi du kommer mig for... LUDVIG HOLBERG Vi samles på Fortroppens hjørne mot vest og ser over mot tinden. Fra blokken vi står på har Pan ... PETER WESSEL ZAPFFE Men Hammerøe ligger der inde med Land, Beskicket for en residerende Mand, Som Tienesten... PETTER DASS Meestal zijn er grote delen van de pagina die niet eens bekeken worden door de bezoeker! Hij keurt z... PETER KASSENAAR Soms krijg ik de indruk dat wij jonge mensen, die in het domein van strikte coherentie zijn opgevoed... PAOLO GIORDANO ≫Du ved jo, hvad man siger: Når djævelen danser, skriger de i Himlen.≪ Hun lænede sig frem mo... KENNETH BøGH ANDERSEN ... de jongen soo verbaast gaauw tegen de stijlte weer op liep, schreeuwende luijtkeels de schuijt v... MARIA WILHELMINA LAMMENS Als iedereen zich aan de standaarden zou houden, zouden er minder gefrustreerde webontwikkelaars en ... HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL Fru Weasley vækkede dem tidligt den følgende onsdag. Efter en let morgenmad bestående ... J.K. ROWLING ≫Når du kaster den terning,≪ Sagde Filip, ≫hvad sker der så helt nøjagtig?≪ ≫Et st... KENNETH BøGH ANDERSEN Ska jag säga dig ett fel vi ständigt begår? Att vi får för oss att våra liv är oföränderlig... SUSANNA TAMARO Niciodată imaginea lui nu mi-a apărut atât de limpede. Nu-mi trebuie nici o fotografie de-a lui, ... ANNE FRANK Jeg kommer netop nu fra et Selskab, hvor jeg var Sjælen; Vittigheder strømmede ud fra min Mund, al... SøREN KIERKEGAARD Þar sem jökulinn ber við loft hættir landið að vera jarðneskt, en jörðin fær hlutdeild í ... HALLDóR LAXNESS Inspiratie? Het is geen kwestie van naar de lucht staren en wachten tot er een briljant idee uit kom... HEDWYG VAN GROENENDAAL De som har makt over ordene bør være edru blant de rasende. PER FUGELLI Hvis I ville tillade os at sige den reene Sandhed, da ansee I os heller som eders egne end som eders... LUDVIG HOLBERG Varför heter det utbildning, när man sitter inne? Det borde ju heta inbildning. - -
More Henrik Ibsen
Ive had the best possible chance of learning that what the working-classes really need is to be allo... HENRIK IBSEN People who don't know how to keep themselves healthy ought to have the decency to get themselves... HENRIK IBSEN One of the qualities of liberty is that, as long as it is being striven after, it goes on expanding.... HENRIK IBSEN Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medi... HENRIK IBSEN A marriage based on full confidence, based on complete and unqualified frankness on both sides; they... HENRIK IBSEN In that second it dawned on me that I had been living here for eight years with a strange man and ha... HENRIK IBSEN In your power, all the same. Subject to your will and your demands. No longer free! No! That's a tho... HENRIK IBSEN Home life ceases to be free and beautiful as soon as it is founded on borrowing and debt. HENRIK IBSEN To live is to war with trolls. HENRIK IBSEN Castles in the air - -they are so easy to take refuge in. And so easy to build as well. HENRIK IBSEN The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and... HENRIK IBSEN People who don't know how to keep themselves healthy ought to have the decency to get themselves bur... HENRIK IBSEN A forest bird never wants a cage. HENRIK IBSEN You should never have your best trousers on when you go out to fight for freedom and truth. HENRIK IBSEN It was then that I began to look into the seams of your doctrine. I wanted only to pick at a single ... HENRIK IBSEN It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists ... HENRIK IBSEN The majority never has right on its side. Never, I say! That is one of these social lies against whi... HENRIK IBSEN I am sticking as closely to my subject as I can; for my subject is precisely this, that it is the ma... HENRIK IBSEN The majority is always wrong; the minority is rarely right. HENRIK IBSEN The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone. HENRIK IBSEN Don't use that foreign word ideals. We have that excellent native word lies. HENRIK IBSEN What we have inherited from our fathers and mothers is not all that 'walks in us.' There are all sor... HENRIK IBSEN The most dangerous enemy of truth and freedom amongst us is the compact majority HENRIK IBSEN What business has science and capitalism got, bringing all these new inventions into the works, befo... HENRIK IBSEN A community is like a ship; everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm. HENRIK IBSEN Your home is regarded as a model home, your life as a model life. But all this splendor, and you alo... HENRIK IBSEN Bigger things than the State will fall, all religion will fall. HENRIK IBSEN Really to sin you have to be serious about it. HENRIK IBSEN The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom -- these are the pillars of society. HENRIK IBSEN The great secret of power is never to will to do more than you can accomplish. HENRIK IBSEN Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth. HENRIK IBSEN A minority may be right, and a majority is always wrong. HENRIK IBSEN Castles in the air - they are so easy to take refuge in. And so easy to build too. HENRIK IBSEN These heroes of finance are like beads on a string; when one slips off, all the rest follow. HENRIK IBSEN The strongest man upon Earth is he who stands most alone. HENRIK IBSEN The pillars of truth and the pillars of freedom--they are the pillars of society. HENRIK IBSEN Rob the average man of his life-illusion, and you rob him of his happiness at the same stroke. HENRIK IBSEN What we have inherited from our fathers and mothers is not all
that 'walks in us.' There are all s... HENRIK IBSEN Castles in the air - they are so easy to take refuge in. And so easy to build, too. HENRIK IBSEN Poetry is to hold judgment on your soul. HENRIK IBSEN A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. HENRIK IBSEN Ah, I fancy it is just the same with most of what you call your emancipation. You have read yourself... HENRIK IBSEN She was an extraordinary person too! Would you believe it, she cut her hair short, and used to go ab... HENRIK IBSEN A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed HENRIK IBSEN I'm afraid for all those who'll have the bread snatched from their mouths by these machines.... HENRIK IBSEN It is the very mark of the spirit of rebellion to crave for happiness in this life HENRIK IBSEN You have never loved me. You have only thought it pleasant to be in love with me. HENRIK IBSEN A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed. HENRIK IBSEN I don't imagine you will dispute the fact that at present the stupid people are in an absolutely ove... HENRIK IBSEN Helmer: I would gladly work night and day for you. Nora- bear sorrow and want for your sake. But no ... HENRIK IBSEN I can see him. With vine leaves in his hair. HENRIK IBSEN Always do that, wild duck. Stick at the bottom. Deep as they can get. . . . And so they never come u... HENRIK IBSEN The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom - these are the pillars of society. HENRIK IBSEN One should never put on one's best trousers to go out to battle for freedom and truth. HENRIK IBSEN A woman cannot be herself in modern society, with laws made by men and with prosecutors and judges w... HENRIK IBSEN As you can see, I'm a button-moulder. / You must go into my casting ladle. HENRIK IBSEN Deprive the average human being of his life-lie, and you rob him of his happiness HENRIK IBSEN The pillars of truth and the pillars of freedom - they are the pillars of society HENRIK IBSEN Ah, I fancy it is just the same with most of what you call your ''emancipation'.' You have read your... HENRIK IBSEN L'avenir, il y faut travailler comme les tisseurs de haute lice travaillent à leurs tapisseries, sa... HENRIK IBSEN The spectacles of experience; through them you will see clearly a second time HENRIK IBSEN The man whom God wills to slay in the struggle of life - He first individualizes HENRIK IBSEN What sort of truths are they that the majority usually supports? They are truths that are of s... HENRIK IBSEN It's not only what we have inherited from our father and mother that walks in us. It's all sorts of ... HENRIK IBSEN These heroes of finance are like beads on a string when one slips off, all the rest follow HENRIK IBSEN Emperor? You old fake! / You're no Emperor. You're just an onion. / Now then, little Peer, I'm going... HENRIK IBSEN The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and... HENRIK IBSEN The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone HENRIK IBSEN Do not use that foreign word "ideals." We have that excellent native word "lies." HENRIK IBSEN The worst enemy of truth and freedom in our society is the compact majority HENRIK IBSEN Home life ceases to be free and beautiful as soon as it is founded on borrowing and debt HENRIK IBSEN The devil is compromise HENRIK IBSEN Rob the average man of his life-illusion and you rob him also of his happiness HENRIK IBSEN A man should never put on his best trousers when he goes out to battle for freedom and truth HENRIK IBSEN Your home is regarded as a model home, your life as a model life. But all this splendor, and you alo... HENRIK IBSEN The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and... HENRIK IBSEN Tvert imot. HENRIK IBSEN Do you know what we are those of us who count as pillars of society? We are society's tools, nei... HENRIK IBSEN The pillars of truth and the pillars of freedom - they are the pillars of society. HENRIK IBSEN Public opinion is an extremely mutable thing HENRIK IBSEN the strongest man is he who stands most alone HENRIK IBSEN Laughter's all the damned thing's fit for. HENRIK IBSEN The spectacles of experience; through them you will see clearly a second time. HENRIK IBSEN The man whom God wills to slay in the struggle of life - he first individualizes. HENRIK IBSEN I must make up my mind which is right – society or I. HENRIK IBSEN You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth. HENRIK IBSEN People want only special revolutions, in externals, in politics, and so on. But that's just tinkerin... HENRIK IBSEN You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth HENRIK IBSEN Ja Mandeviljens QUANTUM SATIS står bogført som din Rigdoms Rad Men Prest, din CONTO CARI... HENRIK IBSEN Demonisk er bare noe sludder jeg fant for å berge livet i ham. Hadde jeg ikke så gjort, hadde det ... HENRIK IBSEN Dejaría yo de ser un hombre si tu incapacidad de mujer no te hiciera el doble de atractiva a mis oj... HENRIK IBSEN I believe that before all else I am a reasonable human being, just as you are--or, at all events, th... HENRIK IBSEN Do not use that foreign word 'ideals.' We have that excellent native word 'lies.' HENRIK IBSEN We are still evaluating the situation. We have no specific plans at this time regarding the property... MARLENE IBSEN We don't have further announcements at this time. We're continually evaluating our business needs. MARLENE IBSEN I don't shop by brand loyalty at all. I'm just drawn to what I like when I shop. I do like t... HENRIK LUNDQVIST I have a 100-mile round trip commute on some of the nations' busiest roads and enjoy every minut... HENRIK FISKER Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us. HENRIK TIKKANEN If you think about jeans or phones or television, we are used to new brands popping up right and lef... HENRIK FISKER Truly great madness can not be achieved without significant intelligence. HENRIK TIKKANEN Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence. HENRIK TIKKANEN Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us. HENRIK TIKKANEN The letter K was the first one in the alphabet which had not, with more or less justification, been ... HENRIK DAM The car industry has invested a lot in hybrid, but my opinion is electric cars will take over a lot ... HENRIK FISKER The discovery of vitamin K arose from some studies on the cholesterol metabolism of chicks carried o... HENRIK DAM We are all built differently. Some guys are more powerful. Some guys are very tall. I'm not very... HENRIK LUNDQVIST My father, Dines Pontoppidan, belonged to an old family of clergymen and was himself a minister. HENRIK PONTOPPIDAN I like to have the widest part of the car being the wheels and not the body. It gives it a more athl... HENRIK FISKER I probably have a very controversial view on autonomous driving versus anybody else in the auto indu... HENRIK FISKER The implementation of autonomous driving needs a whole new rethinking. To really make it an attribut... HENRIK FISKER We still haven't seen any cars take advantage of the electric powertrain in terms of how you pro... HENRIK FISKER Tesla has defied everyone's predictions again and again. It has such a unique position in the ma... HENRIK FISKER The hemorrhages in vitamin K deficiency develop in this way that minute vascular lesions caused by m... HENRIK DAM As a car lover, I ask myself, 'What am I going to be buying in the future? Will it be a boring, ... HENRIK FISKER You get to the rink, stretch for 10-15 minutes, go on the ice 20 minutes before practice starts and ... HENRIK LUNDQVIST I could imagine that boats sailing in harbors will only use electric engines. And then once they are... HENRIK FISKER Last time I was starstruck was when I met Roger Federer. He is one of the few athletes that I really... HENRIK LUNDQVIST When I try to relax, it's more Swedish rock, softer music, and I go out and do fun stuff. I play... HENRIK LUNDQVIST We designed a car that is for daily commutes and that you charge every day. The less you use the gas... HENRIK FISKER Sometimes, you just find that chemistry with some guys. I think that's what's going on with me and T... HENRIK TALLINDER We were more determined this game than the Montreal game, plus we haven't been able to win against t... HENRIK TALLINDER I'm not on top of my game, but it feels like the puck was bouncing their way. It was a tough challen... HENRIK LUNDQVIST The guys played really well in front of me and that allowed me to focus on my game, ... The whole te... HENRIK LUNDQVIST They've done that at home but this . . . this is New York. HENRIK LUNDQVIST I was like, 'Is that for me?' HENRIK LUNDQVIST I like to battle. I like the close play, the play around the net. I'm pretty fast sideways. Back in ... HENRIK LUNDQVIST I have a good record against [Theodore], but we'll see how it goes. HENRIK LUNDQVIST It was a real tight game in the first and second period. In the third, I think we came out strong an... HENRIK ZETTERBERG It was a big win. From the start, Ozzie helped us out a lot. He had a lot of good saves, three and f... HENRIK ZETTERBERG Once in a while, you get every bounce on your stick and it goes well for you. I think tonight was on... HENRIK ZETTERBERG I can't answer that, because I don't remember what we did differently. HENRIK ZETTERBERG You kind of see if they were playing, how they did, and it's always good when they lose. HENRIK ZETTERBERG After the shot he was behind me, but just before the shot he was interfering with me. I couldn't mov... HENRIK LUNDQVIST During the Olympics they're really strict about what you're allowed to wear. You get a lot o... HENRIK LUNDQVIST He just came up and started to talk to me. I got slashed on my hand and that's why I was a little bi... HENRIK LUNDQVIST Sometimes it just feels like the only thing you do is play hockey and eat. HENRIK LUNDQVIST My motivation for starting Fisker was simple: I thought there must be a market for beautiful, exciti... HENRIK FISKER Perfection is a direction, not a place HENRIK KNIBERG We want to win the whole thing (the Stanley Cup). HENRIK ZETTERBERG I didn't think we were going to tie the game. But we did with a lucky bounce. We kept working hard t... HENRIK LUNDQVIST Sometimes you've got to pinch yourself and realize how lucky you are. HENRIK LUNDQVIST We believe this is the first Fast Track Designation for a smoking cessation product candidate, which... HENRIK RASMUSSEN People can still smoke but they won't get any benefit from it. So, why would they want to? HENRIK RASMUSSEN We have been reluctant to put too many Nabi dollars into it. We have been fortunate that there has b... HENRIK RASMUSSEN There's no trodden path here. We can't go back and look at what other companies have done because no... HENRIK RASMUSSEN When an elephant raids a crop field, it can be devastating for a farmer. Sometimes the elephants are... HENRIK RASMUSSEN The nicotine molecule is too small to affect an immune response. By soaking it up, our carrier prote... HENRIK RASMUSSEN It's good. He's a good goalkeeper and he deserves his shot there. HENRIK LUNDQVIST I don't know if it means a lot. It's so much coincidence. Sometimes you just jump on the ice and you... HENRIK TALLINDER I had a lot of chances, but somehow he was able to keep the puck out. I'm certainly going to hear ab... HENRIK ZETTERBERG You always know they are going to be tough and you have to do the little things. It's fun to play th... HENRIK ZETTERBERG It's huge. We've got eight games against them and 16 points to play for. Probably the guys who win t... HENRIK ZETTERBERG In the third, they might be a little tired, and I think we came out strong and put the game away. It... HENRIK ZETTERBERG He's playing a lot, and when he plays more often, you can see that he's a really good goalie. HENRIK ZETTERBERG When we came out and had two quick goals it helped, and when they scored, we scored right back and t... HENRIK ZETTERBERG Our goal is going up, keep climbing. We want to be at the top of the conference, the top of our divi... HENRIK TALLINDER They scored two goals that were more flukes than they were great plays. HENRIK TALLINDER We talked before the game that we should have a better start than we have had. Today I think we did ... HENRIK TALLINDER It's the way he plays. It doesn't matter in corners. If he gets ran or it's a scramble or whatever, ... HENRIK TALLINDER Second is not bad, but going out with a one-shot lead, you always want to win as there has been a fe... HENRIK STENSON I was very pleased with pars on the last two holes, especially on the 18th, where I had a bad stance... HENRIK STENSON I didn't get off to a great start. I had just one birdie, on the fourth, but kept plugging away, mak... HENRIK STENSON I drove nicely, but just couldn't hit the irons close enough. I wasn't really on either. Struggled b... HENRIK STENSON I felt relaxed as it was early in the round and I thought in the conditions that if I could get it g... HENRIK STENSON I kept on trying all the way and couldn't get close enough. And the greens are very tricky to read. ... HENRIK STENSON Obviously my ball striking is good when it's on, and that's why I've had some really good results re... HENRIK STENSON I wasn't feeling well at all Friday and it was a struggle. I was tired coming up the last couple of ... HENRIK STENSON It's been a funny week. I come and shoot this score today, so it was wonderful. Maybe I should keep ... HENRIK STENSON One hundredth of an inch cost me the chance of a playoff. HENRIK STENSON It was very important to get that goal. They didn't get back in the game. HENRIK SEDIN It's our national sport, so this is the greatest. HENRIK SEDIN They are our biggest rivals ... there's no question about it. A lot of people in both countries will... HENRIK SEDIN You could feel it on the bench. The team was so much more relaxed. HENRIK SEDIN There's a lot of pressure on us. Back home, the media thinks every time we play in a tournament, we'... HENRIK SEDIN Other countries don't see us as a world contender. But back home, every tournament we play we're sup... HENRIK SEDIN They've got the whole Rangers' mafia there. They always play good together and they're better when t... HENRIK SEDIN We didn't really get any power-play goals where we set up the puck and worked it the way we wanted. ... HENRIK SEDIN I don't think he thinks about it. HENRIK SEDIN We talked about it before the game, to get a good start. They didn't play their best and we got a co... HENRIK SEDIN The wording suggests that at least as far as indoor is concerned we will not see profits growing by ... HENRIK SCHULTZ It's likely that both set of margins will continue to come under pressure. I think that will continu... HENRIK SCHULTZ We really tried, but it seemed that we didn't play the way we really wanted to play. We tied the gam... HENRIK LUNDQVIST It's really good to come to Montreal, play against a really good team and get two points. HENRIK LUNDQVIST So far I feel like the game fits me pretty well, HENRIK LUNDQVIST The crowd used to stand up for me back home, but this is incredible, ... Only two games here and the... HENRIK LUNDQVIST First of all, it's great to have my first win in the N.H.L.; I've been waiting for this day for so l... HENRIK LUNDQVIST I don't know whether there is any defense in the world capable of stopping him. HENRIK LARSSON This is only halftime - we have to keep on our toes and do to the business at home. You have to be p... HENRIK LARSSON It was time for me to return home. HENRIK LARSSON I am not angry or bitter about my situation regarding playing time in Barcelona. I am fully aware of... HENRIK LARSSON We bring out the best in each other. There's no limit to how good he can be, he's got great techniqu... HENRIK LARSSON If I'm not playing at a high level then I won't be in the national team. HENRIK LARSSON It is my intention to stay on if I'm still playing at a high level. HENRIK LARSSON Everyone must have the right to change his mind. I've longed for the European championship all the t... HENRIK LARSSON We're just going to go out there to try and do our best to win. HENRIK LARSSON Even though I have made the definite decision to move home after the World Cup, I am fully concentra... HENRIK LARSSON The attraction of carry trades is in decline, a lot of people will be wary of going into the Iceland... HENRIK GULLBERG But even more important for the dollar was the average hourly earnings reading, which is quite hawki... HENRIK GULLBERG Assuming that the correlation between interest rates and the dollar does not break down again soon, ... HENRIK GULLBERG After the revisions (to December and November), the headline was more or less in line with the conse... HENRIK GULLBERG