For those interested and with value to add, we'd like them to participate in the standards work themselves. In addition to all the sessions, we're providing immediate practical how-to stuff.
Bob Webb
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A large percentagemaybe allof the identified security events could have been precluded by the appropriate application of currently available good practices and security technology.
— Bob Webb
Few legacy systems have simple, easily applied fixes. They normally require assessment, risk evaluation, development of solutions where appropriate, testing, and ongoing attention.
— Bob Webb
A large percentageùmaybe allùof the identified security events could have been precluded by the appropriate application of currently available good practices and security technology.
— Bob Webb
A large percentage—maybe all—of the identified security events could have been precluded by the appropriate application of currently available good practices and security technology.
— Bob Webb
We will be out of control. We will be packed full of Ben's fans.
— Aaron Webb