For even in dreams a good deed is not lost.
Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Love that is not madness is not love.
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA What law, what reason can deny that gift so sweet, so natural that God has given a stream, a fish, a...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA What is life? A frenzy. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a fiction. And the greatest good is tri...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA A good action is never lost; it is a treasure laid up and guarded for the doer's need.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA These flowers, which were splendid and sprightly, waking in the dawn of the morning, in the evening ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA They say that the best counsel is that of woman.
[Sp., Dicen, que el primer consejo
Ha de ser ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA A woman needs a stronger head than her own for counsel--she
should marry.
[Sp., Una muger no tien...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA Love that is not madness is not love.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA You lie--under a mistake--
For this is the most civil sort of lie
That can be given to a man's...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA These flowers, which were splendid and sprightly, waking in the dawn of the morning, in the evening ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA 'Tis not where we lie, but whence we fell; the loss of heaven's the greatest pain in hell.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA For all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA A good action is never lost; it is a treasure laid up and guarded for the doer's need.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA What is life? A madness. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is litt...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA When love is not madness, it is not love.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA But whether it be dream or truth, to do well is what matters. If it be truth, for truth's sake. ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA For man's greatest crime is to have been born.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA But whether it be dream or truth, to do well is what matters. If it be truth, for truth's sake. If n...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA 'Tis not where we lie, but whence we fell; The loss of heaven's the greatest pain in hell.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, And the greatest good is little enough: for all life i...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA They were friends. That's all she ever seemed to have. Friends. She had enough of them.
MELISSA DE LA CRUZ It is good to appreciate anothers good deeds, but let not your good deeds be known to others lest th...
APURVA GAGLANI Even a smile is a good deed.
SHARI ARISON La seguridad de la Fe vence a la duda de la Razón.
CRISTO LEON Los efectos de la conservación de la Tierra dependen de la conservación de las causas.
MARTíN BALAREZO GARCíA La juventud es un engaño -un engaño de la prensa y libros de texto. ¡La mejor época de la vida! ...
HERMANN HESSE A good deed is a good deed.
JOHN LEE HANCOCK No one's happy here, you know that. But I am content, and maybe that's enough for me.
MELISSA DE LA CRUZ La educación hace a la gente fácil de dirigir pero difícil de manipular, fácil de gobernar pero ...
HENRY PETER BROUGHAM Il est incertain où la mort nous attende, attendons-la partout. La préméditation de la mort est p...
MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE ¡La poesía no es de quien la escribe, sino de quien la usa!
ANTONIO SKáRMETA Todo en ella es cautivante, como la consecuencia de una tormenta. No se supone que la gente obtenga ...
COLLEEN HOOVER Believe in your dreams even when they seem lost
HAYLEY WILLIAMS La tecnología etérea y digital que reemplazó a la imprenta ha alcanzado la mayoria de edad en un ...
JARON LANIER The animal is not afraid of the flame, but of the heat it emanates. (L'animal n'a peur de la flamme,...
CHARLES DE LEUSSE When love is not madness it is not love.
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA Cuando el amor no es locura,no es amor.
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA In this treacherous world
Nothing is the truth nor a lie.
Everything depends on the color<...
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción, PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA En cuanto al poder, se aleja a toda vela de la calle y del mercado, de las asambleas y de los parlam...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN A veces la muerte de una sola persona puede justificar la muerte de una cultura entera.
CHUCK PALAHNIUK Las mujeres contribuyen más de la mitad de la nación y no es posible hacer labor legislativa seria...
CLARA CAMPOAMOR La felicidad duradera nos la proporcionan las consecuencias de nuestros actos, no la cantidad de nue...
ROBIN S. SHARMA En otras palabras, la individualización consiste en transformar la identidad humana de algo 'dado' ...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN Si el vino es el enemigo de la religión, habré de devorar al enemigo de la religión.
IDRIES SHAH La règle d'or de la conduite est la tolérance mutuelle, car nous ne penserons jamais tous de la m�...
MAHATMA GANDHI A veces nos vamos para tratar de encontrarnos. Al hacernos mayores nos perdemos. No sabemos qué hac...
ÁNGELA BECERRA Una curva de la calle puso ante su vista el campanario de la catedral de Westminster, la forma fáli...
DAVID LODGE El apócrifo aviso de la columna de 'busco trabajo'-'tengo auto, puedo viajar'- puede servir como ep...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN The most completely lost of all days is that on which one has not
[Fr., La plus perdue d...
CATULLUS (CAIUS QUINTUS VALERIUS CATULLUS) Cómo soportaba él los ojos de la muchacha y revolvía los suyos contra la cabeza juvenil, escapand...
JUAN CARLOS ONETTI Les hommes extrêmement heureux, et les hommes extrêmement malheureux a , sont également portés �...
MONTESQUIEU La peur bloque la compréhension intelligente de la vie.
JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI Hay criminales que proclaman tan campantes ‘la maté porque era mía’, así no más, como si fue...
EDUARDO GALEANO En Harvard y otras universidades, estudiaron la importancia de la actitud en el éxito de las person...
JOHN C. MAXWELL Pero aun las ideas, por más insustanciales que parezcan, necesitan un punto de apoyo, de lo contrar...
STEFAN ZWEIG Chance is a nickname for Providence.
[Fr., Le hasard est un sobriquet de la Providence.]
WILLIAM CAMDEN Between good sense and good taste there is the difference between
cause and effect.
[Fr., Entre l...
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE La primera regla del Club de la lucha es: nadie habla sobre el Club de la lucha. La segunda regla de...
CHUCK PALAHNIUK La labor más importante del ser humano es buscar la moralidad en sus actos. Es de lo que depende nu...
ALBERT EINSTEIN Pongámonos de acuerdo en qué es la igualdad, pues si la libertad es la cima, la igualdad es la bas...
VICTOR HUGO Nothing great is lightly won, nothing won is lost. Every good deed that's nobly done will always rep...
SOURCE UNKNOWN There is remedy for all things except death - Don Quixote De La Mancha
MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA Otra vez tambores de guerra, y son siempre los mismos quienes los percuten. Decía Roger Garaudy que...
FERNANDO SáNCHEZ DRAGó Formar parte de la minoría, aunque fuese una minoría de uno solo, no te convertía en loco. Había...
GEORGE ORWELL Amaba tan entrañablemente su patria, que jamás quiso dudar de que fuese también la mía por temor...
JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU La fuente de la mayoria de los males radica en cómo los seres humanos se aferran a los seres humano...
EFRAT CYBULKIEWICZ Los intelectuales de Occidente son todos aficionados a la silla. Por eso la mayoría de ustedes son ...
ALDOUS HUXLEY I'm not an Emontional, but how???
I live with the thought that "Nothing can be returned, it has...
DEYTH BANGER A medida que transcurría el tiempo, se afirmaba en la certeza de que el mundo y la vida eran más f...
ARTURO PéREZ-REVERTE Es más difícil sondear la mente de una mujer que los fundamentos de la mecánica cuántica.
SHAHEN HACYAN la conveniencia de las actitudes esquiva los cuerpos, la decencia de las palabras blanquea los discu...
MICHEL FOUCAULT El tiempo es cuestion de tiempo, la vida es cuestion de vida, la vida dura un momento, el tiempo tod...
MICHELLE SANCHEZ Caustique ? Vous voulez dire : méchant ? Oui, je suis un peu méchant, dit Settembrini. Mon regret ...
THOMAS MANN La ironía de la vida es como a un burdel sin prostitutas.
EFRAT CYBULKIEWICZ Cuanto mejor protegidos de la contaminación están los valores preservados en el pensamiento, menos...
ZYGMUNT BAUMAN The good deed you do today For a brother or sister in need Will come back to you some day For humani...
ROBERT ALAN Gollum merece la muerte. La merece, sin duda. Muchos de los que viven merecen morir y algunos de los...
J.R.R. TOLKIEN Temperee, riante, (comme le sont celles d'automne dans la tres gracieuse ville de Buenos Aires) resp...
LEOPOLDO MARECHAL La peor guerra es la que se da entre la humildad Y TU ORGULLO...
RON CHACHAGUA Las mujeres que se fanatizaron con la liberación femenina fueron las que encontraron una manera mar...
RICARDO ARJONA Cuando tu orgullo sea igual a cero, podré despejar esta variable que hoy veo imposible sacar en la ...
RON CHACHAGUA Soy el obrero que maneja mi vida, Soy el empleado que rige mi existir y soy el unico ke en mi vida h...
RON CHACHAGUA Una mujer debe tener dinero y una habitación propia para poder escribir novelas; y esto, como veis,...
VIRGINIA WOOLF A good deed is not just a duty, but above all, a privilege.
SHARI ARISON Hay que cumplir con la tarea de vivir de tal forma que cuando nos vayamos, hasta el dueño de la fun...
JOSé MADERO VIZCAíNO La vanidad es la necedad del egoísmo, y el orgullo, la insolencia de la vanidad.
FERNáN CABALLERO Son múltiples los usos para las incontables oportunidades que depara la vida moderna de mirar —co...
SUSAN SONTAG Alimentados de pesimismo no vivimos la vida, la sufrimos.
MIGUEL DELIBES La mejor manera de crecer es cayéndose y la forma más útil de ayudar a alguien es únicamente aco...
CARLOS CUAUHTéMOC SáNCHEZ Antes de los 30 años, los hombres buscan la enfermedad; después de los 30, la enfermedad busca a l...
VíCTOR R. RAMOS Gran parte de una desgracia cualquiera consiste, por así decirlo, en la sombra de la desgracia, en ...
C.S. LEWIS En admettant que l’on ait compris ce qu’il y a de sacrilège dans un pareil soulèvement contre ...
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Mai no es va atrevir a enfrontar-se amb els records més feliços de la seva vida per por que la rea...
ALBERT VILLARó ¿Quieres entender que es un año de vida? Pregúntaselo a un estudiante que acaba de suspender el e...
MARC LEVY La pensée est le labeur de l’intelligence, la rêverie en est la volupté.
VICTOR HUGO Así, la suerte de la mujer y la del socialismo están íntimamente ligadas, como se ve también
SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR La Station de Sevres.
More Pedro Calderon de la Barca
What law, what reason can deny that gift so sweet, so natural that God has given a stream, a fish, a...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA What is life? A frenzy. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a fiction. And the greatest good is tri...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA A good action is never lost; it is a treasure laid up and guarded for the doer's need.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA These flowers, which were splendid and sprightly, waking in the dawn of the morning, in the evening ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA They say that the best counsel is that of woman.
[Sp., Dicen, que el primer consejo
Ha de ser ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA A woman needs a stronger head than her own for counsel--she
should marry.
[Sp., Una muger no tien...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA Love that is not madness is not love.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA You lie--under a mistake--
For this is the most civil sort of lie
That can be given to a man's...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA These flowers, which were splendid and sprightly, waking in the dawn of the morning, in the evening ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA 'Tis not where we lie, but whence we fell; the loss of heaven's the greatest pain in hell.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA For all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA A good action is never lost; it is a treasure laid up and guarded for the doer's need.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA What is life? A madness. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is litt...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA When love is not madness, it is not love.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA But whether it be dream or truth, to do well is what matters. If it be truth, for truth's sake. ...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA For man's greatest crime is to have been born.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA But whether it be dream or truth, to do well is what matters. If it be truth, for truth's sake. If n...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA 'Tis not where we lie, but whence we fell; The loss of heaven's the greatest pain in hell.
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, And the greatest good is little enough: for all life i...
PEDRO CALDERON DE LA BARCA When love is not madness it is not love.
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA Cuando el amor no es locura,no es amor.
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA In this treacherous world
Nothing is the truth nor a lie.
Everything depends on the color<...
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA Love that is not madness is not love.
PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA Qué es la vida? Un frenesí.
¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión,
una sombra, una ficción, PEDRO CALDERóN DE LA BARCA One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it.
PEDRO CALDER&OACUTE;N DE LA BARCA One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it.
BARCA Life may sometimes be cruel, it may harm you, may hurt your feelings. And in times of great sufferin...
PEDRO It wasn't until I was about 10 that I started venturing into my sister's collection of tapes. At tha...
CILLA CALDERON The Pixies took it all. Just to see them get back together and play that well was great. I had seen ...
CILLA CALDERON I started collecting vinyl since I was about 14. But prior to that, I was always interested in knowi...
CILLA CALDERON The general trend is that our campaign is clearly rising at a steady, very solid pace. We are winnin...
FELIPE CALDERON Don't hide the truth, you know what you said isn't right.
FELIPE CALDERON He didn't come because he does not have viable proposals.
FELIPE CALDERON The right to debate is the right of the citizens. In this he prefers to turn his back on you.
FELIPE CALDERON He's scared of debating. If he fancies himself as a fighter ... I'll be waiting for him on Tuesday n...
FELIPE CALDERON The circumstances in which Mexico is living have changed. I see an electorate that is much more crit...
FELIPE CALDERON I am inviting you and all the young people who are listening to become a new generation of Mexicans ...
FELIPE CALDERON My hand won't tremble in acting firmly and courageously to stop the crime that is holding Mexicans h...
FELIPE CALDERON I'm the one who can make an economy grow. All he knows how to do is chase jobs away.
FELIPE CALDERON It's really been marvelous to watch the subtle organic transition. It's an aesthetic decision... And...
IAN CALDERON People who compose music for video need the best resolution video footage to give them the sense of ...
IAN CALDERON In addition to redefining our workflows, the XDCAM camcorder achieves superior image quality and usi...
IAN CALDERON In addition to redefining our workflows, the XDCAM camcorder achieves superior image quality and usi...
IAN CALDERON [For the recently completed Filmmaker 's Lab, several XDCAM optical disc camcorders] did all the hea...
IAN CALDERON People who compose music for video need the best resolution video footage to give them the sense of ...
IAN CALDERON Over the past 12 years, Avid has played an important role as an official provider for the Sundance F...
IAN CALDERON Technology continues to emerge as a tool for filmmakers to turn to. It's more sophisticated, more el...
IAN CALDERON I feel great. I feel 100 percent. I'm ready to play.
JOSE CALDERON It was nothing. Everyone wants to win; we're teammates and everyone is trying to do the correct thin...
JOSE CALDERON We are teammates, and we both want to win.
JOSE CALDERON In love, as in everything else, experience is a physician who never comes until after the disorder i...
DE LA TOUR Friendship is the shadow of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life.
JEAN DE LA LA FONTAINE The government of Puerto Rico has every right to hold a plebiscite, to consult the people of Puerto ...
PEDRO PIERLUISI Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Broadway musicals, where you sing the whole time, I really don't like; I like alternating dialog...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR The silent film has a lot of meanings. The first part of the film is comic. It represents the burles...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Speak low if you speak love.
DON PEDRO I have the cliche 'struggling actor' story. I was waiting tables in New York, went out to L....
PEDRO PASCAL All my movies are difficult to classify because they are very eclectic in mixing genres.
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I used this line to demonstrate how important colors are in movies: It's not a caprice.
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I just went to your typical public schools, and my dad would take us to the movies every week, or he...
PEDRO PASCAL My first ball I ever got from a Big League player I actually got to purchase in Dodger Stadium in a ...
PEDRO MARTINEZ I get a lot of kids distracted. Sometimes they got to go cover left field, but they're over here...
PEDRO MARTINEZ If people can keep track of all the celebrity gossip, there's no reason we can't also assimi...
PEDRO REYES I was born at a bad time for Spain, but a really good one for cinema.
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I am such a 'True Detective' fan. I was anticipating it each Sunday as it came. I'm kind...
PEDRO PASCAL Puerto Rico loses out on billions of dollars annually because it is treated unequally under a range ...
PEDRO PIERLUISI Puerto Rico has two divergent paths forward. After a reasonable transition period, it could become a...
PEDRO PIERLUISI Sometimes they write what I say and not what I mean.
(on sportswriters)
PEDRO GUERRERO I'll continue to work and try to do my job.
PEDRO ASTACIO I have to worry about it because it's my job. You have to go there and pitch. You have big-league hi...
PEDRO ASTACIO I was trying to throw strikes. That's what happened, I didn't throw strikes. I have to come back to ...
PEDRO ASTACIO I looked forward to the opportunity to go and pitch every five days, see what I'm able to do and do ...
PEDRO ASTACIO Every time we got a run, I just went out there thinking, 'Get three more out,' ......
PEDRO ASTACIO You can't hit, ... That's why you're a pitcher.
PEDRO ASTACIO I don't think people remember the last game that I pitched where I got hurt. I had to slow down and ...
PEDRO ASTACIO I feel fine. I take the ball when they give it to me.
PEDRO ASTACIO I don't worry about my record and ERA. All I want is wins for the team. We win. So it is good.
PEDRO ASTACIO If you're feeling pressure, it's going to make it more difficult for you to do your job, ... It's a ...
PEDRO ASTACIO We're consolidating the links between the state of Nebraska and our country, links that would be str...
PEDRO ALVAREZ He is a very good pitcher and he throws the ball very hard. I was just trying to put the ball in pla...
PEDRO ALVAREZ Those changes have created uncertainty. Cuba was forced to divert hundreds of million of dollars to ...
PEDRO ALVAREZ Arkansas is a very good team and very aggressive. We knew we had to be aggressive right back. We had...
PEDRO ALVAREZ During the time of the draft and all the workouts, it was a little hectic. It came to our family a l...
PEDRO ALVAREZ We've had a great commerce experience with Nebraska.
PEDRO ALVAREZ We've had a great commerce experience with Nebraska and this shows the desire of many (U.S.) states ...
PEDRO ALVAREZ Even people who work with me don«t know who I«m dating. I just don...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I hardly ever go back because there I don't return as an acclaimed director, but rather as a little ...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR This means a lot to us but it's not going to change the kind of movie I'm going to do. ... Tomorrow,...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Even people who work with me don´t know who I´m dating. I just don...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Right now I don't know if I have dreamt about this or not. But when you are in the ocean you must sw...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I fit very well, you don't know how much, with winning the Oscar. It happened before with Women on t...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR All my movies have an autobiographical dimension, but that is indirectly, through the characters. In...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I don't know if All About My Mother is my best film yet. I haven't had time to analyse it. If you lo...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR When I was very young, I was already a fabulador. I loved to give my own version of stories that eve...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Between the point of decision and the point of completion, each creditor can reduce the debt servici...
PEDRO ALBA The objective of debt relief is to free up resources to improve the lot of the poor.
PEDRO ALBA The objective of debt relief is to free up resources to improve the lot of the poor. But sustained i...
PEDRO ALBA You have a lot of oil and poverty. The released resources must help the population, in particular th...
PEDRO ALBA After four centuries of Spanish rule, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States in 1898. Residents ...
PEDRO PIERLUISI We cannot be overconfident, despite this triumph,
PEDRO MARTINEZ I think it's a change that I did not intend at the time but it is clear that, from The Flower of...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I think my films are always political, even if I don't put explicitly political things in them.
PEDRO ALMODOVAR All my movies have an autobiographical dimension, but that is indirectly, through the personages. In...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR La Mancha is a very macho, chauvinistic society. I saw very clearly that my life had to be in Madrid...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR I was as big as I could be, ... I did whatever possible. I can't really predict when a guy's going t...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Even though I love my mother, I didn't want to make an idealized portrait of her. I'm fascin...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR ill treat you like a princess not because you deserve it but because every time i look at you its wh...
PEDRO MAGALHAES Unless I really feel discomfort, I pitch,
PEDRO MART That puts her in a position to compete. That's a two-foot PR for her from last year and puts her in ...
PEDRO MARQUEZ Only God knows why I didn't make it with the Mets, but yes, in a short period of time, I got the...
PEDRO MARTINEZ My directors of photography light my films, but the colours of the sets, furnishings, clothes, hairs...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Of course it's nice to be on the pole.
PEDRO LAMY These were folks who were intelligent, soft spoken and unobtrusive. Of course, in retrospect, you th...
PEDRO FREYRE rifle on their backs, pistol on their hips, sweat on their brows, dust all over their faces, not kno...
PEDRO HERNANDEZ Please write that they were really, really nice - extremely nice - at Immigration. The court where t...
PEDRO MARTINEZ They tell me they have to watch out for [Joe] DiMaggio,
PEDRO MARTINEZ The Flower of My Secret is definitely more based in true emotions. I also wanted to make something m...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR They're sending me to the Dominican Republic. Then I'll go with T. O. to the Bahamas and do his trai...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Whenever I arrive on a real location, I have to move around and work out what the best angles are go...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR The blood-brain barrier ordinarily protects the brain by keeping infections, even ones in the blood,...
PEDRO IRAZOQUI Music originated from God and was created solely for his worship, his glory, and his pleasure.
PEDRO OKORO The good is the Enemy of the best. Until you depart from the good, you cannot enter God's best for y...
PEDRO OKORO Whatever your station or position in life, there is always room for improvement, enhancement, and pe...
PEDRO OKORO Take God at His Word – because winning the battle doesn't require
physical brawn, but spiritu...
PEDRO OKORO Spiritual warfare is very real. There is a furious, fierce, and ferocious battle raging in the realm...
PEDRO OKORO The more at bats I get the more comfortable I feel. I don't feel like I'm behind. It feels like I've...
PEDRO FELIZ This is something I've always wanted to do.
PEDRO FELIZ If they need me somewhere, I never say no. I always carry my three gloves.
PEDRO FELIZ He gave me a good pitch and I hit a double -- it was my best at-bat of the day.
PEDRO FELIZ That's something we're going to have be prepared for. That's going to happen. If we keep (getting hi...
PEDRO FELIZ Perez hit that ball, but it wasn't like he actually knew what was coming. He just reacted to it, thr...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Get out of here. Really, we signed him? Oh no, Mama Mia, things are going to go crazy over here. Thi...
PEDRO MARTINEZ There is that sour feeling of who else is in on this. This is nasty. This is bad.
PEDRO FREYRE What can I say--just tip my hat and call the Yankees my daddy. I can't find a way to beat them at th...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Officer McGuire committed a terrible act of plain incompetence and he's still out there with a badge...
PEDRO IRIGONEGARAY People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that...
PEDRO DOMINGOS This is what happens when you privatize Medicare. The Medicare prescription drug benefit is a massiv...
PEDRO RODRIGUEZ It's different throwing off a slope than on flat ground. We'll see how it feels.
PEDRO MARTINEZ I felt good. I felt a little stiff, but that was expected. After I threw a few pitches and I let it ...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Even people who work with me don´t know who I´m dating. I just don´t talk about it so that I won�...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Actually the adrenaline of the game will probably help me out a little bit to regain command and con...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Yes, women are stronger than us. They face more directly the problems that confront them, and for th...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR If you want to follow some good steps, it would Proverbs, all over.
PEDRO MARTINEZ I should be able to, ... I have to rehab my toe a little.
PEDRO MARTINEZ Hospitals are places that you have to stay in for a long time, even if you are a visitor. Time doesn...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR My brother never got an opportunity to throw a pitch, and I didn't want the same thing to happen...
PEDRO MARTINEZ I don't want to imitate life in movies; I want to represent it. And in that representation, you ...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Based on what I did in the simulation game, that's what I would think I would do. I am definitely lo...
PEDRO MARTINEZ My family is Chilean, and I was born there. By the time I was four, we were living in San Antonio, T...
PEDRO PASCAL I didn't feel all that good. I felt a little flat. I felt a little out of whack. Then as the game we...
PEDRO MARTINEZ I definitely believe that art is the best way to produce social change.
PEDRO REYES None of the teams that actually probably were offering me a job from the getgo, actually in spring t...
PEDRO MARTINEZ In fact, it was the women in our house who were in the saddle. If men are the gods, women are not on...
PEDRO ALMODOVAR Todos me adoram... E quem me ama?
PEDRO BANDEIRA We will concentrate our actions on scientific bases. We won't accept theological or ideological impo...
PEDRO CHEQUER It worked for me, ... And now it's paying off for someone else.
PEDRO MART That was three freshmen and a sophomore. Zach showed a lot of speed in his 100 leg of the relay, so ...
PEDRO MARQUEZ If a no-hitter comes, I'll take it. I don't go out there expecting no-hitters, but I was lucky enoug...
PEDRO MARTINEZ Brazil wants to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council. That means we have to particip...
PEDRO MOTTA We have to do everything we can for the internal market in the sense that we want to be more efficie...
PEDRO SOLBES The first day one is a guest, the second a burden, and the third a pest.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE One forgives to the degree that one loves.
FRANCOIS DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD The great thing about fashion is that it always looks forward.
OSCAR DE LA RENTA Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINE Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona legislature have created an environment in Arizona where perform...
ZACK DE LA ROCHA There are many Sheriff Arpaios. People who have taken to local city, county, and state governments a...
ZACK DE LA ROCHA Your anger is a gift.
ZACK DE LA ROCHA I'm in this band to give volume to various struggles throughout the world. To me, the tension in...
ZACK DE LA ROCHA I think every revolutionary act is an act of love. Every song that I've written, it is because o...
ZACK DE LA ROCHA One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about ...
ZACK DE LA ROCHA All day long the door of the sub-conscious remains just ajar; we slip through to the other side, and...
WALTER DE LA MARE Too late for fruit, too soon for flowers.
WALTER DE LA MARE A lost but happy dream may shed its light upon our waking hours, and the whole day may be infected w...
WALTER DE LA MARE Nature's laws must be obeyed, and the period of decline begins, and goes on with accelerated rap...
WARREN DE LA RUE By shading off, as I have done, the portion of the area of the diagram according to the individual a...
WARREN DE LA RUE For a deeper interest in the Moon than I ever felt before.
WARREN DE LA RUE Even if you live in a tiny village, there's an Internet site. It's quite easy to find clothe...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE I had no luck when I started out as a model. I keep telling people that it's the only career in ...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE Overall when you work in fashion, you're always in a rush. You're always a little late, alwa...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE Often something more simple would be better. Sometimes I put things together - a shirt, a sweater, a...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE One thing Della Valle taught me is the power to say no if something isn't right. That mattered e...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE Buying a matching blouse and skirt from the same store is a crime. A clever mix of chic and cheap hi...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE I saw a lot of haute couture all my childhood, and without knowing it I've learned from when I w...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE I would love to live in India or in the South of France, but Roger Vivier doesn't have offices y...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE If you don't feel comfortable in a plunging sweater, skin-tight jeans and killer heels, go home ...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE People imagine I am always in a Bentley with pearls and diamonds and black glasses and Karl Lagerfel...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE It is true that in France, women put on less things. If they have a necklace, they don't put on ...
INES DE LA FRESSANGE Out of difficulties grow miracles.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.
FRANCOIS DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD We must laugh before we are happy, for fear of dying without having laughed at all.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE At the beginning and at the end of love, the two lovers are embarrassed to find themselves alone.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE Men blush less for their crimes than for their weaknesses and vanity.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE When a work lifts your spirits and inspires bold and noble thoughts in you, do not look for any othe...
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE Even the best intentioned of great men need a few scoundrels around them; there are some things you ...
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE Time makes friendship stronger, but love weaker.
JEAN DE LA BRUYERE There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, ...