Foolish people can never realize that the more they ignore a person who is truly nice, the more he would score and grow wise.
Anuj Somany
Foolish People
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If everyone is wise as almost all consider or show themselves to be through their attitude towards anyone, then wondering as how a person who is not actually nice to others could easily rise to the topmost position, flies often and even seen bagging big awards and prize but none could realize it beforehand until s/he gets exposed by someone as witnessed often in the past.
— Anuj Somany
Foolish World
There are enough people who join the procession for fun at the sheer sight of mass gathering without bothering to know where it is heading and its objective.
— Anuj Somany
A man living with the borrowed minds of others will always have heart for many things missing in his life and a life having given hallowed heart to many minds will always be living with no other things missing of a human.
— Anuj Somany
There are always enough people to laugh and enjoy seeing others’ problems than to be in joy and smile finding solutions of their life.
— Anuj Somany
The challenge is neither finding the truth nor speaking it, but finding who will accept the truth, what he will do with the truth, and most importantly, how much he will implement the truth in his personal life.
— Anuj Somany