Everyone was encouraging to each other, ... It was more of a 'team' kind of thing; it wasn't like a tryout or anything. I'd played against a lot of the guys at the Combine, so we all kind of had a mutual respect.
Derek Abney
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I just hope that teams realize my foot injury really hampered me. Playing in the SEC, you've got to be fast -- and I'm faster than 4.5.
— Derek Abney
I just hope that teams realize my foot injury really hampered me, ... Playing in the SEC, you've got to be fast -- and I'm faster than 4.5.
— Derek Abney
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[The deadline] came when I was preparing for the Scouting Combine. But it's no big deal; I can take the test later. Right now I'm just staying in shape, working out four days a week lifting weights and running three days a week.
— Derek Abney
Actually, I'm pretty happy. I wasn't as fast as I wanted to be, but I'm still getting over a broken foot. I think I did well on my passing drills and in the interviews.
— Derek Abney